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Yuzu and her fiancé walk hand in hand towards their friends. Each one of them hugged them and wished them all the happiness in love and in life which the two of them were very happy about. Their friends were looking at their rings that they bought each other when Harumin asks Mei

“Did you buy Yuzu ring from Tiffany’s”

“Yes how did you know that.”

Harumin grabs Yuzu hand and Mei hand and just said

The two of them looked at each other rings properly. They were identical.

“Yuzu how did you manage to get me the same ring from the same store.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll tell you later. Also you need to take off your ring"

“I will do no such thing. This will never come off"

“Then how do you expect to read the message"

“What message"

“The message you I left for you"

Mei takes the ring off carefully as she is intrigued as to what is says.

“You will be mine forever”

As she reads her message she looks at her fiancé and agrees that she will always be hers no matter what happens. She turns and
hugs her tightly while talking to her.

“I think you better read your message"

Yuzu looks at her wife to be and basically said before taking of her ring

“You and me are getting better at this relationship stuff.”

She takes of her ring and reads the message.

“You are my soulmate”

Yuzu  blushes hard and agrees with her fiancé. She turns to her friends and says

“Lets go"

They all agree as even for them it has been a long day. They seem to be walking for a long time when they finally turn the corner Mei see the hotel where they stayed on their trip.

“Yuzu why are we here"

“I booked this for everybody as I knew it would be late as I wanted to spend the night with you in this hotel as I never got the chance too. The only one who will be sleeping on her own is Nina. Everyone else is in their own room"

“Yuzu, with the ring, the transport and the hotel I really don’t know how you could of paid for this all by yourself. I’m really concerned.”

Yuzu looks at her lover and kisses her softly.

“I will explain everything to tomorrow when we are home but for now I just want to freshen up grab some food and then I just want to slowly take that dress off.”

“Seems like you have everything planned out. I will leave the issue until tomorrow let’s just have a good night"

All the girls go and freshen up apart from Mei as her fiancé wants her stay in the dress she is in. They all meet up and decide where to go and have dinner. Mei looks at her friends bowed and says.

“We are having dinner here. It has all been taken care off. I wanted to thank you all for today as it made me very very happy that you did this for Yuzu and for me.  Especially me.”

“Com on prez"  Harumin says.

“Did I say something wrong”

“Not really, we just wanted our friends to be happy. We all wanted to do this for the both off you. It’s a special day.”

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