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(I'm so sorry for the lateness in getting this chapter out. But work has been hectic. Hope you enjoy.)

Yuzu gets to work on making dinner for everybody remembering to make it mild when her beloved came behind her and hugged her. Yuzu turns around puts her arms around her neck and kisses her softly. The two of them melt into their kiss when Yuzu breaks the kiss and places her head on her beloved chest. Yuzu can hear her heartbeat and whispers

"I love you."

"I love you too" Mei replied.

Yuzu blushes and smiles. Mei carries on and asks her.

"Would you like any help with dinner."

"That would be lovely. Thank you Mei."

It was not long before they had dinner prepped. Both off them take turns in the shower to get freshened up and before they knew it there was a knock on the door. Yuzu and Mei hold each other hands and answer to meet their guests.

"Good evening MeiMei and Yuzu" Himeko says.

"Good evening, please come in." Mei replies.

"Good evening prez and Yuzucchi"

"Harumin it is always a pleasure, please come in."

Both of their guests are amazed at the apartment and start to wonder around the place exploring. While Yuzu completely takes over the cooking and Mei sets up the table. It was not long before Yuzu shouts out to everyone that dinner is ready. Both Harumin and Himeko come back and take their places and all four of them start to eat. All of them are making small talk when it suddenly goes quite. Mei looks Yuzu and says

"It time."

"Yep it sure is"

"What's time?" Harumin asked.

"Well, we have a reason why we asked you here today." Yuzu said.

"And that would be."

"Harumin, would you do me the honour of becoming my maid of Honour." Yuzu asked.

"Himeko, would you do me the honour of becoming my maid of honour." Mei asked

Both Harumin and Himeko without any hesitation looked at them both and in unison both said.

"I would love too."

"Just out of interest have you set a date yet?" Harumin asked.

"We have." Replied Mei. She then continues to say.

"It will be on the 28th December. We wanted to be after the birth of brother or sister hence why we could not have a summer wedding. Not only that having it near the end of the year gives us a few months to prepare to get everything ready."

"I was just about to ask why that date but I guess I don't have to ask now."

"Oh wow a winter wedding." Exclaimed Himeko.

"Yep, we wanted to be different, after all we are stepsister getting married." Yuzu chimed in.


"Yes Harumin, when are we going to go wedding dress shopping. As it will have to be soon."

"Don't worry about that we have hired someone to go and look for us. They will be here tomorrow for us to set a budget and so forth, also don't worry about paying for your outfits Mei and myself will be paying for them. This is not negotiable. Of course you will have some input but you have to be wearing the same style dress."

"Ummm..... That could be a bit tricky Yuzu."

"How come"

"Well we are both different heights, and our figures are not the same."

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