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Yuzu was the first to awake. She looks beside her and find Mei is sleeping soundly. She did not want to wake her but knew she had too. Yuzu slightly shakes her sleeping fiancé to try and wake her up but it was a losing task. Ever since Mei came back, she was sleeping a lot better and sometimes it was hard work to wake her up.

Yuzu whispered in her ear.

"Mei, its time to get up, If you don't get up right now ill so something to you, that you might like and not like at the same time"

Mei starts to stir and replies to her fiancé

"What would that be I wonder"

Yuzu gets on top of Mei grabs her hands pins then down and kisses her with passion. Mei let's out a little moan which pleases her lover. Yuzu let's go of her sisters' hands as she knows she has awoken her lover and tries to get of her but her sister locks her legs in place and asks her to kiss her again. Yuzu does not hesitate and kisses her one more time. Mei moans again and deepens the kiss, wanting more. Yuzu pulls away and says

"I'm sorry."

Mei remembers what her lover said to her yesterday and accepts defeat. She unlock her legs so that Yuzu could get off her. Yuzu gets off her and sits on the edge of the bed. Mei moves over and grabs her and pulls her back towards her. They stare into each other eyes and kiss once more.

"Man, this sucks" Yuzu says.

"It cannot be helped. It's one of those things."

"I know, but just you wait in a couple of days you better ready."

"I will be ready don't worry about that."

"Well we have a lot to do today so let's concentrate on that."

"OK, Yuzu let's get today started. I love you."

"I love you too."

Yuzu gets herself to her feet turns around and helps her fiancé out of bed. Both of them walk into the dining room where they both see their parents cooking breakfast. Shou see the girls and points towards the table. Taking note of where he is pointing both of then sit down and wait.

Once their parents join them, they all start to eat. Shou asked the girls what they had planned today. Mei gave her father the run down but did not mention about dinner, she looks and her fiancé and all she gets is a nod. Mei turns her attention back to her parents and speaks.

"Mother, Father could you be here for dinner please."

Shou replies "Yes we can be here. Is there any specific reason."

"Well, yes there is, but we would like to tell you over dinner. Yuzu will be cooking a lovely roast dinner."

"Well, I will definitely be up for that."

"Same here." Ume said.

"Great so if you could, could you please go out this afternoon and let us have the place so we can prepare."

"Consider it done." Ume says with a smile.

They all finished eating when Yuzu and Mei excuse themselves as they have to get themselves dressed. It did not take long for them to get ready and as normal the driver is already waiting for them. Yuzu gives the driver the address of the cemetery and starts the car. Yuzu holds Mei hands and says nothing. All she is doing is looking out the window.

Mei looks at her fiancé and wants to ask what is wrong but doesn't. She tightens her grip on her hands. Yuzu looks at her and smiles but turns to look out the window again.

They arrive at the cemetery and walk towards Yuzu father grave. Yuzu does some tidying up around the grave making it look nice and neat and washes it to give it a nice clean look. Mei stands in front of the grave and moves Yuzu to the side.

"Hello father. It nice to speak to you again. I'm sorry it has been a long time but I've come here today as I would like to tell you some news.
Yuzu and myself have decided to move into together and we plan on doing that in the next couple of days. I would also like to explain to you a couple of things.

A couple of years ago I hurt your daughter and left her. I'm so sorry for doing that to her could you please forgive me for that mistake. I have been back in her life for around 4 months now and I cannot live without her. The other day she proposed to me and I accepted right away.

I love your daughter more than life it self and I was wondering if we could have your blessing."

Mei looks at her fiancé who is crying. She turns to her fiancé and holds her. She brings her to the front of the grave so that she could speak to him herself.

"Hi papa. I wanted to tell you for the longest time that I was in love my step sister but I could not bring it up. I just want to let you know that I am happy and I am in completely in love with her.

I wanted to ask you advice about it but then I read your letter you gave me and i knew that if I chose her to marry me then you would be fine with it. So, thank you for the blessing it means so much to us.

I promise I will look after her just as she has promised to look after me.

I love you Papa."

Yuzu grabs Mei so that both of them are standing in front of the grave. At the same time both if them bow and say goodbye. They start walking to the car when Yuzu stop and pulls Mei towards her. She puts her arms around her waist and without a care in the world and kisses her with everything she has. Yuzu breaks the kiss holds her lover's hand and carries on walking towards the car.

They both get in and normally they would sit by the window but this time Yuzu sits I the middle and leans on her fiancé still crying. Mei holds her close and stokes her hair and in soft voice reassure her.

They make it to the supermarket and grab all the stuff they need for the family dinner. Yuzu grabs a leg of lamb, potatoes, fresh carrots, peas and all the other bits a pieces. Happy with her choices they make there way home to start on dinner.

As normal they both shout "we're home" but got no reply. Which is what they are expecting. Yuzu dumps the bag off food on the kitchen counter and goes into their bedroom to get changed. She looks at her fiancé and speaks to her.

"Mei, thank you for today."

"What do you mean by that."

"When you spoke to my papa and asked for his blessing."

"Yuzu, you don't have to thank me for that."

"I know I don't but still, you took me there and asked for his permission and talked to him. You don't know how happy you made me."

"Is that why you were crying because you was happy."
"I was both happy and sad."

"I see."

"Well let's get dinner stared, can you help."

"Off course."

Both of the girls are chatting away with each other while getting dinner ready. As dinner is cooking and we'll under way. Yuzu grabs the dinner plates and cutlery and puts them all on the table ready. Mei offers to help her but she declines and continues to say.
"Just a question."

"Would you like to invite gramps."


"Wow that a quick answer."

"As I have said I want nothing to with him at this moment for what he did to us."

"OK, I was just thinking that we could as it would be great to tell him about us moving in."

"It would of been nice to tell him about it, but right now I'm not in the mood too see him."

Yuzu could see that her fiancé was getting annoyed with the conversation and did not speak of no more. Mei excused her self and heads towards the bedroom. Yuzu ran over to her grabbed her from behind, berries her head on her back and speaks

"I'm sorry."

"It's OK. I understand what you were trying to say. Now if you don't mind could you just kiss me right now and let me go grab a shower before dinner is ready."

Yuzu turns her around and gives her a kiss and walks back into the kitchen to check on dinner. Mei grabs a quick shower and changes her clothes and goes back into the kitchen too see what her fiancé was doing. She looked over and saw Yuzu bending down and she could see down her top, she went to her but was too late and Yuzu stood up from what she was doing. Mei could only blush.

Looking confused as too why her fiancé was blushing Yuzu just outright asked her.

"Why are you blushing."

"Well....... don't matter"

Mei just turned and walked away as she did not want her fiancé to know what she was doing. Yuzu walked after her and once again asked.

"Why are you blushing."

"OK I will tell you. While you were bending down, I could see down your top, and I got turned on. I was about to grab you but you stood up and basically caught me."

Yuzu could not help it; all she could do was laugh at her. Mei looked at her and scolded her for doing so. As she was being scolded the beeper went off on the cooker. Yuzu ran back to the kitchen and open the over door, took out the lamb and looked pleased with herself. She closed the oven door as the roast potatoes were bot quite yet done. She then started to cut the lamb when her parents walk in.

"Hello girls we are home."

"Hello mother, hello father. Welcome home." Mei replied.

"Welcome back mama and papa." Yuzu shouts from the kitchen.

All three of them walk into the dining area and each grab a chair and sits down. Shou speaks to Yuzu from the chair,

"Yuzu that smells lovely."

"Hope you are hungry."

"I am starving, we were going to eat out but your mama said that would be a bad idea, as you don't cook small portions."

Yuzu just laughed at him and replied.

"That's right, go big or don't bother is my motto. Anyway, it will be ready in 5 minutes. Mei, could you come and get some drinks ready please."

Mei gets off from her chair and starts to get some drinks together. There was no alcohol as they thought it would be unfair to their mother. Mei poured out some fresh orange juice and some coke cola. So In fact everybody actually had two drinks. Once she placed all drinks on the table she goes back into the kitchen and starts to being over the food that was ready.

Mei looked over to Yuzu and said

"let's do it before we start eating."
"OK, let's do it. Who should tell them you or me."

"I will, I don't mind."

With the decision made Mei looks at her mother and father and places Yuzu hands in hers and starts to speak.

"Mother, Father we have something we would like to tell you. This will probably be one of the last meals we will have here as out apartment is now ready and we plan on moving in in the next couple of days.

Me personally I want to say thank you for the last few months as I have really enjoyed living here with you as a family. But it's time for us to leave the nest and start our lives together.

I hope that the next time we have dinner like this it will be at our apartment."

With this Mei gets up from the table and walks to the front room and grabs little white box. She looks toward her life partner and gives her the box.

"Yuzu when you open this box it will probably bring you some sadness and happiness."

Yuzu opens the box and all that is inside it is a key. A key to their new apartment and the start of life living with each other. Ume and Shou start to clap as this is a day that they were looking forward to themselves. Before anybody could cry Ume shouts

"Lets eat."

All them start to fill their plates and start to enjoy their meal together. As they finish their dinner and they all thank Yuzu. Yuzu finally gets the courage to speak to her parents.

"Mama, I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have been with me for all my life, everyday I came home to you and you came home to me. I cannot stress enough how grateful I am to you, but its time to leave you now and start a journey of my own. Please continue to watch over me as I make this step.

Papa, I know you have only been in my life for a few years, but what you have done thank you. Also watch over us and please continue to support us.

Mama I gave you a present a while back but what I did not say was that I also got papa something. Let me just go get it."

With this Yuzu gets up and goes to her bedroom. While she was in there everyone else was looking confused. Shou knew about the necklace as he always sees Ume wearing it but never in a million years would he have thought that he would get a present from Yuzu.

As Yuzu came back and sits down, she carries on talking.

"The reason why I never told anyone about this is because I had to wait for the engraving to be done, but they finally finished it and here it is.

Papa, please accept this as a token of appreciation for what you have done for us all."

Yuzu hands over the box to her papa who opens it and is shocked to see a brand-new watch. Shou looks at it but cannot speak. Yuzu tries to carry on without crying as she tries to explain to everyone what the watch is.

"This watch is a makers 27mm square watch in 18k rose gold. I could not find a nicer one anywhere and bought it in the same shop when I got Mama and Harumin necklace. It also the shop I got Mei ring from. I really hope you like it. The engraving I got done on this says. We all love you. From Ume, Yuzu, Mei and bump."

"Yuzu I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything."

Shou takes off his old watch which has seen better days and puts his new watch on. All the girls could see that he was trying not cry in front of them. Une knew that he would break down as soon as they or he was alone. Once the watch was attached, he gets up walks over to his eldest daughter and hugs her. It was by far the best he has given her and whispers

"Thank you, Yuzu, I will always treasure it."

"You are welcome." She whispers back.

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