Chapter 18

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Yuzu woke up and saw her girlfriend still sleeping as she looked down and saw that they were still naked. In a dis belief state she thought to herself “ OMG that really happened" and started giggling to herself. This in turn woke her girlfriend up.

“Morning Yuzu"

“Good morning Mei"

“Why are you giggling to yourself"

“I was just thinking about what happened last night"

“I hope I did ok"

“Don't worry you was amazing. I still cannot move"

“Me either"

“But I think we better get up or round 2 might start"

“Yes I agree”

“Agree to get up or agree to start round 2”

“I think we should get up"

“Good choice I don’t think I really have the
energy at this moment to do anything"

“lets grab some breakfast"

“Sounds good.”

They both unwrap their bodies from each other and proceed to get some cloths on. Just as they were getting dressed they herd their parents come back. They both look at each other and laugh while saying

“Glad we didn’t start"

They both finish getting dressed when Yuzu noticed the time.

What they cannot be right.” she Exclaimed

“Let me see"

Leaning over her girlfriend shoulder. She looked at the phone screen showing 13:00.

“Wow. We must of been really tired.”

“What a waste of a day"

“Well it certainly cannot be helped. Not after what happened"

“Yeah I suppose”

“I’m getting hungry lets eat some food"

Both of them walked out of the bedroom
holding hands when they see food on the table that their parents brought back.

“Have you too just woken up" Ume asked.

“Yeah mama we have"

“Late night or busy night"


“Oh I see. That’s how it is. Well I must say that you too are glowing”

“Mama that enough"

“OK, OK, we shall talk later"


Mei had walked over to her father and she asked

“Did you have a pleasant evening father"

“Why yes I did"

“Where did you go"

“No where fancy just had dinner watched a movie and stayed in a hotel. More importantly how did it go with my father”

“ I think I shocked him more than he thought I would."

“Ah that’s why I have a missed call from him"

“Probably. I did get a bit angry with him and blamed him for everything and I also made it clear that when the time comes I will marry Yuzu and after that we left"

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