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Yuzu is getting read to leave and is waiting for someone to come and collect her as she has finally been dis charged. She has been given all the meds that she needs for a full recovery. Looking back over the last three days she raises a little smile as Mei has been there at every opportunity. While deep in thought her girlfriend arrives.

“Are you ready.”

“Ah Mei stop doing that"

“Why, its fun making you jump”

“It’s not good for my heart and to answer your question yes I’m ready and cannot wait to get home and into our bed.”


Her girlfriend brings in a wheel chair for her. She looks at it in disappointment but knows she has to take it easy as she don’t want to pull out her stiches. She slowly gets of the bed with a little bit of help and flops down into it makes some adjustments so that she is comfortable and Mei starts to wheel her out.

On the way out they stop at the nursing station and thanks them for all that they have done. They continue on and run into the doctor that has been Yuzu primary carer, they once again thank him.
Once outside Yuzu takes a breath of fresh air

“Finally freedom"

She moves her arms out to the side and let’s the breeze flow over her and her girlfriend lets her enjoy the moment and starts wheeling her once again.

“Mei is your driver late"

“No, he is here and it’s our driver not mine. You have to used to it.”

“One day I will but where is your car"

“I got it changed for a dew weeks while you are on the mend"

Mei points at  brand new car.

“What car is that"

“It’s a BMW X5.”

“I want your old car.”

“I know.  But for now this will have to do as it will be easier for you to get in an out without hurting yourself to much”

“I understand and thank you for everything you have done over the past few day.”

“You don’t have to thank me. We are partners.”

“Yes we are"

Mei then helps Yuzu into the car while the driver put the wheelchair in the boot. Mei tells the driver to go home in which the driver spoke.

“Which one mam.”

Yuzu let’s out a little laugh as it was a really good question but her girlfriend wasn’t laughing she in her normal tone of voice.

“Normal please. The other home is not ready yet"

Once again the driver just nodded and took the girls home. When they arrived home.
Yuzu shouts.

“Mama, papa I’m home"

Ume comes walking towards her with a few tears in her eyes and says

“Welcome home hunnie" and hugs her. Yuzu takes it all in and could not help herself and says.

“You sometimes cannot beat a mum cuddle.”

Mei and Ume both laugh at her but deep down they both knew she was right. After they finished their greeting Shou came around the corner and did the same which was nice and his hugs were really getting there and its nice seeing him be more loving not just her but to her family. They continued to walk into the front room where out of no where. She hears

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