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Early the next morning Mei woke up at the sound of her alarm going off, she tried to get out of bed without waking up fiancé. As soon as she moved the covers her lover tightened her grip, not wanting to let go. Mei had no choice but to tickle her which eventually works. She looks at her fiancé who is now wide awake and speaks to her.

“Yuzu, you have to stop doing this.”

“Stop doing what”

“Holding me down. I need to go to work.”

“I know you have to go, but I miss you all the time"

“I miss you just as much. Are you still scared?”

“No not really. I know that you are mine now, but sometimes I think that If you walk out that door you won’t come back.”

“I will be back; I’m never leaving your side again.”

“I know this I think I’m just being insecure.”

“You are going to be my wife. You are the reason I live and if you ever think that i am going to leave, just look at the ring on your finger.”

With that Yuzu stares at her finger smiles and speaks

“Yeah, I will do that.”  

She jumps out of bed and quickly puts on some clothes looks at her fiancé again kisses her and runs out of the bedroom. Mei just sits on the edge if the bed she cannot help but let out a little laugh while thinking to her self.

“What I am going to do with her.”

She caries on getting her self ready for work. She was just about to leave the bedroom when her lover came in with a tray of food and a couple of cups. She looked into her lovers emerald eyes and said.

“Yuzu I really don’t have time for this.”

“Mei, you are not leaving this house until you have eaten and had a cup of coffee. As your soon to be wife this is non negotiable.”

“I just cannot win can I.”

“Not on this you won’t.”

They both sit on the floor to have breakfast. It was a simple breakfast comprised of egg on toast with a big cup of coffee. Mei did not realise how hungry she actually was and ate everything that was dished out to her. She thanked her sister for making it gave her a kiss and left for work leaving her fiancé alone.

Mei arrives at work and is walking to her office where she sees Sally working away. She stops in front of her desk as she always does. Sally places the call she was on, on hold and spoke to her boss.

“Morning Ms Aihara, could you wait here for a second please.”

Mei just nodded and Sally went back to her phone call. Once she finished she spoke to again.

“Ms Ahaira, thank you for waiting and I’m really sorry for asking to. Here are your calls and here are your appointments for today. Also, your grandfather is waiting for you in your office.”

“Did he say why he was here"

“I’m afraid not, he just turned up.”

“OK, Sally thank you.”

Mei turned and walked away from Sally desk and goes into her office.

“Good morning grandfather.”

“Ah good morning Mei.”

“What can I do for you this morning?”

“Well, we have to go to a board meeting this afternoon.”

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