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Mei wakes up early and finds her sister still sleeping with her head still on her chest. She carefully moves her head as to not wake her, she slowly gets out bed and puts her new comfy dressing gown on and proceeds into the kitchen area, where she finds her mother making coffee

“Good morning mother”

“Ah good morning Mei did you sleep well"

“Yes. That was the best night sleep I have had in a long time. I think I fell asleep by placing Yuzu head on my chest and woke up in the same position"

“I think you might of had a good sleep then.”

“I’m glad you are awake, I would like to ask you about something, would you be willing to listen"

“For you, I will listen to anything any time and place.”

“Before I ask could I maybe get a cup off coffee and could we sit on the sofa"

“That won’t be a problem take a seat and I will bring it over.”

“Thank you mother”

Ume turns around and grab another cup from the cupboard and fills it up with coffee for her daughter, turning around she can see Yuzu coming out of the bedroom and before her eldest daughter could say a word Ume places a finger on her own lips and waves for her to go back to bed.
Ume grabs hers phone points at it and sends her eldest a message.

“Don’t  come out yet stay in bed. Your sister wants to talk to me and I think she wants to talk to me alone"

After reading the message she cannot help but be intrigued.

“Talk about what mama"

“I don’t know. I’ll send a text once it’s safe xxx"

Yuzu jumps on bed and hugs the pillow that smells of her sister. Still thinking

“why does she want to talk to mama for, why not talk to me. Maybe its something important. Who knows.”

After her train of thought run it’s course she cannot help but rest her eyes.

Meanwhile on the sofa sits mother and daughter both holding their coffee.

“Mei sweetie. You wanted to talk I’m here let’s talk.”

“Firstly let me apologise to you and the way I treated your kindness and for causing so much commotion when I left that day. I hope one day you will forgive me but for now mother I was wondering how do I make a relationship work? I have not really been in a serious one before but I want Yuzu too see me in the best light possible. I know what I done can not be forgiven so easily. I need to learn from my mistakes and I don’t know where to start"

Ume takes a mouthful of coffee and replies.

“Trust, is the biggest thing. If you trust in your partner and not hold secrets you can in time overcome most issues. For example take me and your father we don’t see each other for months on end. Yes i will admit it can be frustrating for obvious reasons but I trust him to be faithful just like he has to trust that I am faithful"

“Just trust. All I have to do is trust in my partner"

“Well yes, but more importantly you have to trust yourself.”

“Again let’s but some perspective in this and again I will use your father as an example. Your father trusted me with his most treasured possession which is you. I then had to trust myself in keeping you safe and too make sure you were happy under my care. Which for the most part I did.  You father has always been grateful for what I did.”

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