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Sara arrived at Yuzu place around 30 mins later. When she arrived Yuzu was no where to be seen. When all of a sudden Ume shouted out that Yuzu was in the bath. Sara walked over to Ume and spoke to her.

"How did it go"

Ume turned around looked at Sara and said.

"I finally got her to open up to her about hers and Mei relationship. She told me that it was really down too you that they got together and I must thank you for that."

"You don't have to thank me. For getting those two together. It was my pleasure."

Continuing on Sara said

"I finally got the Mei side of things and that i might have a way of getting them to speak to each other, but it might have to call for drastic measures, which I am prepared to do"

"Well as long as its not too drastic"  Ume replied.

With this they heard Yuzu getting out of the bath. Yuzu saw Sara and came over to her and hugged her. Yuzu then walked to her bedroom to get changed into something more comfortable. As she was getting changed she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in" Yuzu said. With this the door opened and in walked her girlfriend.

"Yuzu can we talk plese."

"Of course Sara, come and lay down with me."

As both the girls layed down on that big old bed they looked at each other held each other and kissed. That is when Sara could not stop herself and started crying. Yuzu held her closer and asked without rubbing salt her wounds

“ How did it go"

Sara looked straight into her emerald eyes and said

“You need to talk to your sister and hash it out"

“Over my dead body"

“Yuzu please I’ve never asked you to do anything, but saying that please go and talk to her. Just like last time on our school trip. She needs this, You need this.”

“Sara I am over her"

“Really Sara asked" Sara continued

“If you are over her, then why is this ring still around your neck. You two are just too stubborn. You are always wearing yours and she is always wearing hers”

Sara was in a mess but continued on

“I’m going home in the morning as I have a few things to to take care off and I’m not coming back into this house until you have spoken with Mei. You got that!”

Yuzu just rolled over her side and said


“Please Yuzu."

Sara was now pleading with her girlfriend to do this not for her own sake but the sake of both the sisters.

“I’ll think about and that’s all I can do for now"

Sara was hapier but still disappointed at the same time. As Yuzu did not say that she would see her but deep down Sara knew that this would happen but she was going to stuck to her guns about this and she meant it.

During the night Yuzu finally turned over and cuddled her girlfriend as Yuzu knew that she could give excellent cuddles and even though she was fast asleep a little smile formed on mouth of girlfriend which made her also smile.

In the morning Yuzu got up first and went into the kitchen to make Sara a nice breakfast and a nice cup of tea before she headed home. As Yuzu placed the food on a tray to take her girlfriend breakfast in bed Sara was already up and dressed as she felt Yuzu leave the bed. Feeling disappointed that she could not do what she planned, she instead placed all the food onto the dining table and they both sat there eating away without much being said.

Yuzu and Sara took a slow walk holding hands to the train station. Before the train arrived Yuzu pulled Sara Into a kiss. Sara waved goodbye to her girlfriend and the train departed. About a minute went by and Yuzu received a text from Sara saying

“Don’t forget what I said I mean it"

Yuzu sighed with defeat and replied

“Ok, I will see what I can  do."

Yuzu went for a stroll around town on her own for a change as she needed time to consider what her girlfriend said and after making it back to her apartment she was really happy as she saw both her mama and papa was there. Yuzu ran over to her papa and hugged him. Shou was a bit taken aback and tried to hug his step daughter to the best of his ability , which over time had become better but still needed some work,  to meet not just her standards but her mothers as well.

“Welcome home papa. It nice to see you." Yuzu said.

“Yes Yuzu, It's nice to be home." Shou replied

“Has Mama spoke to you about me and Mei"

“Yes. I got most of it but would like to hear some of from you. All I really want to know is did you love Mei."

“Yes papa I really did. I just hope that you are not disappointed in me or Mei are you"

To Yuzu surprise Shou looked at his daughter and said this to her.

“ I am not disappointed but in Mei I am. I cannot believe that she would do this. Not after the way I left her. I thought that she was better than this. Obviously I was wrong. As for your releationship it did take me by suprise but I accept it.”

“SHOU" Ume shouted. Looking st her husband in disgust.

"You should not be disappointed in Mei. She did what she had to do."

Shou put he’s hand up and apologised. He then Whispered in daughters ear

“looks like I’m on the couch tonight"

Yuzu was on the floor laughing so much as that was one of the first jokes he ever told her that she could actually laugh about. With tat she she whispered in his ear.

“if I wake up and see you I’ll  bring u a blanket"

she winked at him and left her parents to have a pleasant evening together as they don’t get to spend much time with each other due to papa other commitments.

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