Chapter 32

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Mei woke up first still being held by her fiancé, she turned around and saw her fiancé big green eyes, blushing she leaned in and kissed her and pulled her closer, they kissed once more when Yuzu spoke.

“Good morning my beautiful fiancé”

As she spoke those words she could not but giggle and blush at the same time. Her lover could also not help it an blushed as well.

“I never thought I would hear those words from you" Mei said.

“Well I never thought I would get the chance to ask, but that is all in the past. I’m looking forward to the future.”

“Me too. We shall soon be living together as well"

Yuzu looked deep into her eyes kissed her softly and whispered in her ear.

“I cannot wait.”

Yuzu tries to get out off bed but her sister pulled her back and asks

“can we stay like this for another few minutes.”

“Of course we can.”

Yuzu snuggled up to her sister/lover/fiancé. As they lay there both of them were looking pretty happy with themselves. Through the closeness they could feel the love that they have for each other. As they were holding each other Yuzu shouted out

“Crap I forgot to tell mama and papa"

“Shall we call them together.”


Yuzu grabs her phone and covers both of them up and starts to call her mother.

“Hi mama"

“Yuzu. Its about time.”

“I take it you are up and awake, is papa also awake.”

“Yes we have been awaiting your call"

“OK ill switch over to video.”

With that Yuzu pressed the video call button and in an instant on screen was her mama and papa.

“So how did it go"

“It went like this"
Both of them showed them the rings. Shou was the first one to speak

“Congratulations, my daughters”

“Yes congratulations but I’m a bit confused.”

“Why mama"

“You have a ring. I did not think you get yourself one.”

“No mother I gave her it too her. We both had the same idea. But the way Yuzu did it blew everything I had planned out of the water. I could not turn her down . I love her too much.” Mei said.

“Mei, just too see you this happy I am over joyed" replied Ume.

“Thank you mother. We are going to hang up now and grab a bath and some breakfast and we shall head home. See you soon"
With that Mei presses the button smiles at her fiancé pulls her close kisses her jumps out of bed and asks her bride to be.

“Where are my clothes and wash stuff.”

“In the suit case. You should have some clothes in there as well.”

“Speaking of clothes. How and when did you buy that dress.”

Yuzu just laughed and laughed before she replied.

“I bought it the same day we bought out dresses for gramps. I’ve been saving it for the right time and before you even ask. I was the one who bought it. Not papa me.”

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