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After getting home after eating  breakfast the couple sit on the couch and watch the TV. Even though they are watching it they both are feeling slightly anxious. After a while Yuzu grabs Sara phone and punches in Mei number and says

“I will leave it up to you but I have a bad feeling about this"

Sara looks at Yuzu and just smiles at her and thanks her. After about an hour Sara excused herself as her phone was about to die and she heads towards the bedroom. Sara takes out her phone from her pocket, ponders for a couple of minutes  and starts to text Mei.

“Hello Mei it’s Sara.
I have been given you number to text you.
I am texting you on behalf of Yuzu who At this present time cannot text you as she is still hurting and to honest with you so am I.  you are OK with this. Also can we meet up as I think we need to talk. About what happened between the pair of you."

With this she sends the text and awaits for an answer.

Mei is working at the Aihara academy when the text comes though she is hopeful that it’s Yuzu who has texted back she looks at her phone with her eyes shut. Presses the unlock key and looks as a number that she don’t know. She proceeds to open the text and is startled by who has sent it. Mei sits back in here big brown leather chair and just thinks to her self

“wow I have not heard that name since the school trip"

She picks up her phone once again and starts to write her reply.

“Hello Sara
Wow not heard from you since the school trip. Hope you have been well.  Yes we can meet up how about this Saturday at 14:00. I really do owe you an explanation of what happened.”

She send the text.

Sara was just about to sit next Yuzu who has drifted off too sleep when she receives the reply, as ther was not a lot to say at this time she only replies with one word.

“OK. ” and hits the send button with that out of the way she can turn her attention to the sleeping beauty next to her.

Just as she sends the message Ume walks in and sees Sara sitting on the sofa with a sleeping Yuzu. She smiles at her daughters girlfriend who smiles back. Ume unloads the bags that she has in her hands and proceeds to ask
“how are you doing sweetie"

Sara looks at Ume and says

“I think we need to chat"

Ume has the look of confusion on her face and says in a confused voice

“Of course we can"

Sara gets of the sofa and heads out the balcony with Ume in tow. Once outside Sara closes the door and proceeds to tell Ume what happened this morning and what Sara is about to do to try and help her girlfriend out. Ume being Ume smile at the girl and embraces her. She then asks Ume one important question.

“Do you know about Yuzu and Mei relationship”

Ume replies “What do you mean.”

“I mean the relationship that Yuzu and Mei actually had"

“Well I get the feeling  it was more than a sisterly releationship but to what level I do not know"

Sara could not help herself and chuckled. And asked Ume if she could do her a favour.

“on Saturday can you please talk to her. As it would help me talk to Mei alone.”
As this was a request from Sara who has given Ume no trouble at all since she started dating Yuzu , Ume just nods her head and both if them walk back into the living room to find out that Yuzu was awake and flicking through the TV channels. She looked up at her mother and her girlfriend and smiles.

Sara sits down next to her girlfriend who asks her

"Have a nice chat with my mama"

"Yes I did. As always she Is a pleasant lady who raised such an amazing child."

Yuzu starts to blush hard. Sara could not help herself but laugh. The rest of the day was peaceful with all three women watching the Harry Potter Movies.

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