Chapter 3

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Saturday has come and Sara is getting herself ready. Yuzu has some idea of what is going on but Sara has not said much. All that she has she has mentioned is that she is meeting Mei alone. The blonde goes over to her girlfriend and hugs her from behind turns her around and kisses her deeply and with passion. Sara returns the kiss which has her gasping for breath. She mangaes to push Yuzu away as if she dont leave now she will be late, looking at her girlfriend she speaks in a clear voice and says,

 “I will see you in a few hours"

With this she opens the bedroom and leaves.

Ume who is sitting by the by the dining table with a pot of tea made calls Yuzu out of her room. Yuzu shouts “coming mama" and proceeds to exit her room.
Once she is out of her room Yuzu is looking puzzled as to why there is a pot of tea on the table and 2 cups. She thinks that maybe mama wants to have a chat about Sara and how things we’re going, as her mum has expected her sexual orientation and proceeds to sit opposite her mother.


“Yes mama"

“I’m going to be pretty straight forward with you and I really would like to know what happened between you and Mei"

Yuzu did not know how to reply to her mother as it not only shocked her but threw her off her game. After thinking for a bout a minute she decides to come up with the family card.

“what do you mean. Myself and Mei are / were step sisters.”

“Yuzu, I know I may be old, I'm not silly and I know you pretty well and I know that there was a lot of things going on behind doors. Could you please tell me about what happened behind those closed doors.”

Yuzu paused and thought about it sighed and then said

“Mama, I will tell you what I can but please let me finish before you say anything and please don’t be disappointed in me”

“ Hunnie I would never be disappointed in you, after all you are my eldest daughter and I have always been proud of who you are"

“OK mama, let me start."

Yuzu then poured herself and her mum a cup of tea and tried to begin to explain what was going on behind those closed doors

“Mama, let me first say that Mei and I were dating. Ever since the end of the school trip. I was the one to confessed my feelings towards her and she accepted them."

She paused for a minute to look at her mums face. It looked normal. So she decided to carried on.

“We were in a committed relationship and I absolutely fell in love with her. At first I thought it was some high school crush but I was wrong. I thought that Mei loved me back as she accepted my feelings towards here, until the day she left me for a stupid school and for to have that school she had to marry a man who I don’t even know"

Without stopping for breath she continued her story
“I even did some part time work while studying for my exams. I even bought her a ring to show how much I loved her. It was not an engagement ring it was just something I bought so that we could have something matching. Again Mei accepted and I thought I had made progress. Mama also let me point out a fact to you. Yes we kissed a lot and we went on dates but we never had sex. I wanted to and deep down I thought that Mei also wanted to but I must stress that we never did. The day she left me broke me in two and I never really have recovered from it. But I guess you already know that part.

I also helped her patch things up with papa. I done loads of different things for her, Just to let her know that I lived her and I don't think she even said it once too me "
Obviously she kept some parts of the story to herself like when Mei stole her first kiss. When she pinned Mei in her grandfather office the events that happened at Christmas. To her even though they hurt when they happened it was still best to keep these things under wraps. As she explained this to her mother she did let onto one more tidbit of information

“ During the school trip I was running late and missed the train and this is how I met Sara, but at this point Sara only had eyes for Mei. Looking back on things it was Sara who gave me the courage to tell Mei that I loved her and that I will always need her and now I have her to myself. Ironic don't you think."

Yuzu looked towards her mama and basically siad that she was finished. Ume placed her hand on top of her daughters and spoke softly as normal.

“ I know it must of been hard for you to tell me all this and thank you.”

“Yuzu.” Her mother carried on.

“When Mei was you she was happy, I say this whole hearted, I knew that something was going on but I never knew to what extent. It makes me sad that she would throw her life away from you and this family to marry a man just for her inheritance. I did wonder why you did not turn up to her wedding, hell  I’m not even sure how much papa knows about this and if I am truthful to you like I always have been he needs to know about all of this.”

Feeling parched Ume goes and makes another pot of tea and carries on talking to her daughter.

“would you please let me talk to him and explain a few things about you and sister. I am proud of who you are and who you have become. I am the proudest mum in the world"

Yuzu and Ume drank the rest of their tea mostly in silence. Until Ume asks her daughter.

"Do you still love Mei. Do you still want to be with her.?"

Yuzu looks down and grabs her chest, she could feel the tears started to form and before she knew it she was crying. She looks at her mama and speaks.

"Mama I really don't know how to answer those questions. I really don't know, she really hurt me. She might as well have reached into my chest pulled out my heart and stomped on it."

Ume get up and walks around the table to sit with her daughter. She pulls her in close and whispers in her ear.

"Yuzu I can tell you that you are still In love with her. I can see it in you face, your body and deep down you know I am right. Someone always gets hurt, but just know that I am here and you have some good friends around you, who will always be there for you."

Yuzu pulls her mama closer and continues cries.

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