Chapter 5

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The human's POV

I'm being hugged by a different Merman and he's an older one it seems. To be honest I'm not sure what is going on, all I could do was lip read here and so far it could just be gibberish and fish talk but I noticed the word King. Are all the Mers this friendly though, with the hugs and kisses? Or are they keeping me alive for ritualistic human sacrifice?.... I really, really, need to know! Now!

The spare oxygen I had from the cut-short oxygen exchange, totally not a kiss by the way, was quickly running out and a lot of Mers were gathering around. I sent a pleading glance to the mer guy who brought me here, who was standing- er, floating? In the same spot he'd been, looking shocked. I really preferred getting my oxygen from him, and I'm not fond of this old man squeezing the air out of me.

Wait. The old man- is he crying? I think he's crying, but there certainly aren't any tears. Then again we are in water. He looks happy, but he's shaking a bit and squeezing me. He has a big scratchy beard that I keep getting pressed against, and he's decorated in shells and a fine lace material over him that could easily be a shirt, but how the currents caught it made ribbons of it rise and he looks.... majestic.

Oh. The giant gold crown should have been a dead give away, and now there is a crowd of bewildered and amazed Mers around me being hugged by the King. The air in my lungs starts to run out and I frantically reach for the guy who brought me here with my free arm, though it might be rude looking to the onlookers, I was already seeing black spots because my lack of oxygen.

The guy breaks out of his trance or whatever and he tells the King something as he swims forwards. The King yanks me away from his reach and calls over a beautiful girl mer, who immediately puts her lips to mine. It didn't feel right to me, but I did accept the overly-sweet tasting air she blew into my mouth. It was like she just used my least favorite gum to flavor the air she just gave me. I hated it, but held the air anyways and shoved her away before glancing back towards the King.

It looked like he was scolding the guy mer, and they looked like they were arguing before the King pointed towards me and seemingly calmed the situation down. The brunette guy swam over, grabbing my arm and pulling me along yet again. I silently prayed the King hadn't just ordered him to get rid of me.

We passed amazing structures and the King and girl mer swam with us, along with a pack of the mer guards I'd expect to see in mythology books, all wearing armor and holding different weapons, one holding an expected trident. I looked ahead to see a cave- which is concerning considering it's dark and creepy and I could probably be fed to anything inside it, and I looked around for some way to get out of this mess.

Considering the dirt ground was out of reach, I was miles below the water, and we were swimming between buildings, not near enough for me to get a hold on their smooth surfaces, I wasn't going anywhere. I hoped for the best as we descended in....

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