Chapter 21

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Charley calmed down and leaned his head to my chest. His eyes fluttered closed and I worried for a second he had passed out on me until a soft sigh escaped his lips. I didn't expect him to take the fact so oddly, suddenly looking deep in thought, his breath picking up and forcing him up away from me and now to on top of the ridge. I had to wrap my arms around him and anchor him down to the sand and tell him to stop and relax just to stop him from surfacing or something. That would have been a problem.

I didn't care for it up here, on top of the ridge, it was by open water and we could be easily spotted by any one or thing. After Charley suddenly floating off like that however I'd rather have him rest in the open instead of moving him panicky down into the colder sheltered water. My arms where still securely around him however, and I reasoned it was to keep him down and ready to dive away with should I need to. But part of me knew it was because he was warm and soft and being able to hold him like this was rather nice, though I'd rather be speared than admit it now.

Charley moved and I looked down to see him opening his beautiful blue-green eyes. There where no mers with such eyes here, and a small smile tugged my lips. Where such eyes common amongst humans I pondered? Or was Charley so unique he alone had them? Whatever the reason, his light and smiling blue-green eyes met my blue ones and he grinned back up at me.

Why is it I could never fall in love with a female? Why do the two male breeders that have wedged their ways into my life caught my fancy? And why must they be so impossible for me to have? Whatever god or deity that controlled the sea seemed to have it out for me and cute male breeders.

I place a soft kiss on Charley's forehead, completely lost in his beauty and my thoughts, and he blushes brightly, looking down and covering his face. A soft chuckle escapes me as my cheeks warm up as well. He's adorable, hiding his face in his hands.

My face falls as he keeps his face hidden. At least with some people a punch to the face means that it wasn't okay to kiss them. The blushing boy in my arms probably wasn't like that however, and I loosened my hold around him in case he wanted to swim away. But he stayed in my hold, and I wasn't sure to be concerned or relieved, tilting my head to try and see his face.

Charley parted his fingers and I glimpsed his pretty blue eyes and bright blush before he moved them back again, and to my disappointment he moved away from me. I thought he was going to move away and moved my arms away from him, but the cutie surprised me by turning around moving his hands from his face, and kissing my cheek.

I wrapped my arms back around him as he hid his bright blushing face in my chest, my face red and a no doubt idiotic smile appearing across it. I was an assassin, he was a true prince that I would fight for. His long beautiful tail laid out in the sand, head on my chest, and arms shyly crossed to himself, cute in every way. It was just a kiss to the forehead for him, and a kiss on the cheek for me, but it felt amazing to me.

I will protect him.

Because I know I love him.

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