Chapter 3

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Hahaha *Laughs as I work on a story with no views or comments or votes while people rage for updates elsewhere* *wipes away tear* Oh man this dream turned into words is worth it.

The Mer's POV

I was swimming around, patrolling, when my favorite treat swims past my face. My absolute favorite, and instinctively I claw at it, causing it to bleed and swim away in fear. I know I am supposed to be some strict all business guy buuuut Cod I can't help but swimming after it.

I went past the drop off quickly, well knowing deep dwellers and the Octi could fling themselves at me at any moment, but I can hold my own. Besides, my treat disappears with the blue of the ocean, and I swim around, looking for it, when a tapping noise is heard from.... straight above me. Followed by the sound of moving metal.

I look up only to see a human vessel. Damn. I swam all the way out here to see my food taken up by a human? No way I was gonna let that go past me. I was well trained, an assassin even. No way I am going to let my fucking food go when I swam all this way for it.

I swim straight up and out of the water, landing on my arms and growling in the air-filled human vessel.

A human with long hair whips around and it's eyes widen, it's hands going up in some sort of defense. I look past it to see the fish in a glass water keeper, the human looking between it and me before slowly taking the fish out and sliding it to me. I looked at it cautiously before devouring it in two bites.
Cod I love those fish.

The human looks at me curiously and takes another from the keeper, sliding it towards me. The fish stops half way and I pitifully drag myself to it. Humiliating, but the fish is worth it!

A trough of some sort splashes beside me and I drag myself over quickly, the food looking intriguing as I dig in. The human comes to mind as I check behind me at it, sitting on something and looking mesmerized by my tail and me in particular as I eat my fill of the delicious fish.

I decide I don't like it looking at me this way and scoot over to it, meeting the human's eyes with mine and curiosity bubbles in my mind. This human.... looks extremely like the late Queen Aria.... The woman for whom's tail and tale has been told about for a decade or more, one of trickery and humans. I had met the Queen personally when she dismissed my murder charges, and her powerful eyes had met mine before, these human's eyes like a mirrored reflection of hers as I realize I've hauled myself up to look at him levelly and-


Shit, I scared the thing! The thing it was sitting on whacks me in the jaw as I fall back, dazed for a mere hermit crab pop. I sit up quickly, scooting to the hatch to see bubbles rising to the surface.
Shit shit shit they need air don't they? Maybe it'll come back up. They certainly can't get it from the water like us Mers! Shit shit the bubbles are gone!

With out a second thought I jump in.

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