Chapter 9

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Charles POV

Wha.... Why was everyone glaring at me? Why is my supposed dad swimming away from me?

The breeder spat at me, causing me to flinch. "You are no man." She growled before swimming away.

What did I do wrong? What was wrong with my tail? I look down at it, its shimmering colors and lovely floating bits.... And I sink down to the sand. Did I just.... get disowned by my father? What just happened? I wanted to cry but I simply could not as I looked down at the shifting sand. Did I do something wrong?

I flinched as something was put over my shoulders. It was the blue merman, the one who pulled me into this mess, putting the cover over my shoulders again. I wanted to yell at him or scream or something, why did you bring me here? Why did you have to let me meet my father? Why did you let him leave? But at the same time I wanted to thank him. Thank him for bringing me here. For letting me find out about my past. For being the discovery of a life time. And for being the only one so far on my side.... I think he's still on my side any way.

I don't know why, but he doesn't say a word and keeps a emotionless face as he wraps the cloth around me and picks me up. I could swim for myself.... but not with my head so foggy it seemed. So I let him carry me, letting my head numbly rest against his chest. Where was he taking me this time? Was I going to some dungeon or to be fed to something...? I didn't care anymore. I was just done with this.

I had always loved the sea; and I had always dreamed of being a merman or finding one one day. I imagined swimming free, going as deep as I wanted without having to breathe, seeing all the creatures I loved.... But now I wanted to be back on my boat. Nothing to have happened.

The blue guy was talking quietly, saying something to me without any of it registering in my head, or maybe he was softly singing.... either way, my eyes started to close, the soothing tone he was using putting me to sleep. I didn't know this mer, but I easily fell asleep on his chest, my last thought being....

I don't even know his name.

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