Chapter 35

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Charley's POV

It started with some questions. "What is your name?"

"My name is Charley."

"What are you?"

"I'm a merman."

"Why do you have human eyes then?"

"My mother was a human."

"Why are you in my tank?"

"I failed escaping to the girl dolphins' tank."

"How did you get captured?"

"I swam too close to the surface of the ocean and a net caught me."

There was a pause.

"What are you?" I asked.

"I'm an octi, don't you know that?!"

"No, I... was a pretty sheltered kid."

"Don't you mean guppy?" The octi looked at me oddly. I was in some sort of tiny cave, man-made, plaster and water-resistant sealing spray. The bed was dead coral, the additions were all woven seaweed and some store-bought shells.

"Yeah, guppy I guess." I wasn't free. This was another sentient being in captivity. The weighted tone in my voice dissuaded any more questions, and my orange tail went paler from the stress I was being put through. I wanted out, I couldn't lose hope, but keeping hope was... getting hard. I hardly knew how much time I had been here.

Even now, I didn't know if this octi was a friend or not. He wasn't hurting me though, or demanding anything of me, so I wrapped up and faced the wall away from him. I could feel stress from the top my head to the tip of my tail, and my body ached from the physical stress it was forced through. I wanted to cry, to break down and cry right on the dead coral bed.

I didn't though. I closed my eyes, and recalled sailing. I remembered before this all started, when I had my boat, my dream job, the open sea, and my little fish hatch. I had my boss, and friendly co-workers, they never payed me much mind. Before this, I had fought my way to my own paradise. School was a tough feat, escaping the man who locked me up for years for an education. College was an even more amazing spectacle, and seeing Cavadan locked away put me on a cloud nine. Years of hard education later, the sea seemed to be mine. My life was in order. I looked out across the sea on my own boat, and knew I would be right where I wanted for the rest of my life.

All I needed was a new dream to come to me. Instead, the world gave me a nightmare.

I found a merman. I was ripped from my boat. There was a bright light. My new life began... and my boat may be at the bottom of the sea somewhere. My perfect paradise, gone....

No. That used to be my perfect paradise.

My eyes opened slightly, and I looked at myself.

I had changed. I was still, very and totally, anxious, but I hadn't hyperventilated again. I was still, I was holding firm and motionless besides the slow rise and fall of my chest. I knew how to swim as a mermaid. I knew now why Cavadan was put in charge of me. I knew who I was- Prince Charley, a merman, a royal.

And... I had a new dream.
My new dream didn't involve solitary on a boat.
My new dream doesn't involve locking myself away.
My new dream was nothing like I would have imagined before.

I had a new dream.
That new dream had blue eyes.
That new dream had safety.
That new dream would have to be attainable.

Me new dream was a place for me and XY, someone who I could trust, and a place to call home. Maybe a few wishful thoughts clouded my head of being held again, thoughts of my hands tracing an expanse of his chest and tracing over every scar, thoughts of being praised and loved, by someone who had already put up with me more than my own father. XY, he must be an expert thief, because he stole my heart without a notice.

I have to escape. I have to work hard if I ever intend to see him again.

But for a moment, my eyes closed on me again.

After I rest... I will find a way out. I'll escape, and achieve my dreams. I hope.

I could feel the octi checking on me, and for a moment, thought he would say something.Unfortunately, I had already passed out.

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