Chapter 4

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Mer still

I dived after the human, seeing it ten tails away and being dragged down by a purple rogue. I hiss and lunge at it. It may not be my job to save this sorry human's tail- it doesn't have a tail erk- but hell if I was going to let the thing that let me have my food in peace get taken by a mere rogue!

The purple one is stunned before turning at me and landing a fair blow to my shoulder, to which I promptly return with a punch across the purple one's face, the male mer hissing and going to bite my shoulder, which I dodge, only to realize it swims past towards the human who looks like it's slowly sinking down into the abyss, it's eyes half-closed as it fights to stay awake.

I grab the purple's tail, digging my claws into the scales and pulling it away from the human, tossing it away and hissing in a challenge for it to dare come at me or the human again. The purple male's eyes widen to something behind me and it speeds off, and I pray it's not a shark as I turn to the human behind me.

I have to shield my eyes as a light glows from the human, and I swim over and take it in my arms, seeing the light's source actually being a glowing light from a lace around the human's neck... and looking closer I see....
Queen Shell....

Instantly I know I must keep it alive, taking some oxygen in my lungs and pressing my lips to it's and putting air in it's lungs, hoping to revive it. I look up towards vessel that was above us, only to find it gone and not in the radius of transporting the human to it in time. With no other choice I keep breathing air into it, slowly drifting back towards the Kingdom as I keep my process, the shell's light fading as it adjusts.

Air, filter, give, repeat.

The human coughs suddenly, freaking out as I wrap my arms around it to keep it still and give it more air, this time the human holds it. I take away my mouth and look at it, chuckling as it looks like a pufferfish and looks at me funny. It narrows it's eyes and I roll mine, dragging it along, even though it persistently resists.

It runs out of air a couple of times and keeps trying to back away, which I find silly and humorous as it tries to deny the only thing keeping it alive. By the fourth time it finally gets the clue and still looks at me weird as I drag it along. I have a feeling it expects to be eaten or something.

Once we're over the ridge, looking down at the city, it's eyes widen in surprise. I grin at this, the human was quite amusing. I dragged him along, avoiding the main swim ways and sticking to the sandy bottom of the city, occasionally looking over my shoulder to see the human amazed by it all. I was too on the first day here to be honest.

I dragged the human straight to the castle- I knew having a human with me would get me into deep deep eel shit, but I had a fair reason to drag it here. It started doing the 'out of air' gestures behind me so I turned and mashed it's soft lips to mine, making sure it got its air before pulling away and realizing I had an audience.

"Ahem, XY." The King coughed, the human's eyes widening while I kept my composure and turned to him with a bow, bumping the human so it would too, successfully knocking the human in a spiral into the King's torso and having it flounder as it attempted to swim right, the King's eyes widening.

"Pardon me sir!" I say quickly, pulling the human away quickly, only for the King to pull it back and embrace it.

"My Son!" He exclaims happily. "MY SON IS HOME!"

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