Chapter 44

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Charley's POV

"I permit you to enter." The king rose and blocked the outside light from reaching us, the ceiling coming to life almost like lights as true night set. I felt a little in awe at his obvious dominance display, remembering how smart octopuses were and how they made themselves bigger to protect what they liked. Clearly, he was protecting John.

John clutches onto my arm, as he did in the plane. I have to wonder for a moment, what could possibly frighten him now? I look to his face and see that he's glaring hard at two of Alpha's tentacles. Both hold knives, hidden behind the rocks. John is scared for our friends. I suddenly am too.

"What purpose do you have to be here?" The King asks, voice imposing now and full royal. I shudder thinking of how different people can sound at will.

"We are just here to keep an eye on our boy, Charley." Ursula explains for the men, her tentacles anchoring her to the cave floor and making her seem like a little old lady beside the mermen.

"I want to hear from each of these men what they are here for, not from you. Not to disrespect you, lovely witch Ursula." The King tilts his head towards her respectfully. "You are welcome home in this Trench, but I want to know the reasoning behind an ex-guard of the enemy and the assassin for the other crown to be here from their own mouths."

"Well, I'm not here to stab you, if that is what you're worried about." My boyfriend tilts his head, as if looking for me past Alpha.

"Where do your loyalties lie?" Alpha no doubt distrusted XY and Cavandan, and the knives made sense. He was ready if they tried to kill him. There was John and common sense keeping me from approaching him from behind and assuring him no danger was present.

"With the monarchy," XY starts seriously, causing Alpha's back to tense, "but only the wonderful prince behind you."

Alpha does not seem pleased with the careless words XY put forth, but I can see him relax as he faces Cavandan. "And you?"

Cavandan's face holds worry lines as he searches behind Alpha. "As he said."

I rise slightly, away from John's grip, and wave to them, catching their gazes before lowering myself back beside John. They are able see me and I can see them, making the situation more relaxed, or so I hope. Alpha gives me a glance over his shoulder before looking back to them, and I can spot the distrustful frown on his lips directed at Cavandan.

"Do you have any business with me?" Alpha asks, moving to one side of the cave, between John and Cavandan. Luck would have it that the two were by the same wall that the king could anchor to, and the knives he held seemed to vanish.

I am free to move back up and right to XY, moving between him and Ursula before facing the king. This was my safe spot, and I watch as John scuttles to be beside Alpha. My friend places a hand on Alpha's forearm and looks to me, our eyes meeting. I mimic him, as if by nature, by placing a hand on XY's. The situation feels like we are the mutually assured violence deterrent.

Ursula skims her eyes over our small group in the trailing silence, where no one really knew what we were doing here. Her eyes landed on me, and then so did XY's, and Cavandan's. I was already looking at John, but now had to crane my head up and look Alpha nervously in the eyes.

"We didn't mean to end up here, in front of you," I want to cross my arms over my chest and try to keep myself from curling up into a ball, but stay holding onto XY for support. "John needed to be home, so I made sure he got home. I want to go back to the other kingdom... what is that place called anyways?" I glance to Ursula.

"Atlantis." Ursula quickly whispers. Of course that is the name.

"I want to go to Atlantis without my dad knowing, and find my necklace-"

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