Chapter 1

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I was enjoying myself really, taking my break from aquariums and the inland for the freedom of the sea. I loved the water, preferably salt water.... Preferably sea-water.... I don't really understand why.

Maybe it's cause I'm a obsessed marine-biologist? I love sea-life, fish, mammals, arthropods.... The works! Name a fish and I may be able to name you every detail. Describe a fish and you can bet I'll be able to name it. Well, some I admit I don't know, since there are literally millions and millions and some aren't even discovered!

Anywho, I was enjoying my vacation, on my specially made boat with a glass hatch on the bottom, out in the Caribbean somewhere, minding my own, catching sun, writing stuff.... My job. Cause vacations are like field trips for me. I sit and study what I was working on back in school, or in this case, work.

A new species of lion-fish was found where I was currently floating, and I wanted to find it, get a good sketch, catch a few, that sort of thing. There were tons in the area, and I caught quite a few. They were yellow, blue, brown, and non-venomous, which was a bonus. The swarm I had found had all dissipated within the hour, and I was left with my little coolers and tanks with different ones all about.

I was so mesmerized by them, they were GORGEOUS! Their graceful movements with all their spines, their almost schooling nature.... I sketched quite a few, and I dunno when I tuned back into reality but when I did I heard a soft tapping noise on the hatch....

I walked over, not knowing what to expect, only to see....

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