Chapter 14

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I was getting rather impatient. These random breeder woman had just taken the prince! The only reason they weren't harmed was because I didn't want to stir trouble, and they were talking the whole time, the princes voice rather calm and there was little chat aimed towards him or who he was.

But why would the ladies inquire anyways? Whores like them were use to never inquiring about any information about who they were bumping fins with out of habit, and the prince didn't have to give away who he was. Charlie was a very common baby name too, especially around children born around the time he was, when everyone wanted their guppies named after the famous prince. Or the famous lost prince it seemed.

"Let's go see what that guy thinks of your outfit Charley!" I hear the yellow dressed one say before she swims out of the cloth-doored room. I crossed my arms when

Oh Poseidon
Oh Cod

My mind and mouth seem to fail me as the prince swims out of the room, pulling lightly at the drifting skirt around his middle. My heart does some odd shit just looking at him. If he was jaw-dropping without clothes, these clothes only enhanced his natural beauty.

The orange material around his waist was finely woven and two-layered, the top layer a whispy material that was see-through but shiny and reflective, the bottom layer hugging to his scales and a solid neon orange that belonged to a reef, not quite matching the color of his shimmering tail. His top had the same effect, the main part pressing around his arms and over the shoulders, the sleeves the almost see through material that revealed his shoulders under classy puffs that met the regular fabric with a almost seamless look, and the top didn't dare go low and showed off a small flat belly with a tiny belly button on the smooth skin. If that wasn't what made him a tease to anyone already, the whores had tipped it off with one last detail.

The top made a loose u around his neck, and one thing of bright contrasting color- my color- stood out. A bright little choker, wrapped around his small neck.

Poseidon strike me. He was hot. I wanted him. He was flawless. I was scarred. He was soft. I'm more of a rough person. He's a prince. I'm an assassin.

But damn, that's teasing.

In the crazy bubble filled world I live in, collars and chokers in a lover's colors was a 'come and get me'. These whores are fucking insane. My hands twitched at my sides and the breeder whores looked at me with smirks, the prince looking uncomfortable at my gaze.

I looked at the table with breakfast and put a hand over my mouth, trying to calmly fight down my desire to do anything to the prince. I could probably get away with it- but at the same time, I'd never hurt him, and the kingdom would be after me..... Actually the 2nd thing wouldn't be a problem for me either. But still. I wouldn't do that to someone as small and cute and sexy as Charley. He probably didn't even know how much of a fucking tease he was. He was a human before, I know this.

My tightened scales were uncomfortable and I waved my hand to clear my thoughts. "You look very nice." I manage to tell Charley, figuring he's had enough criticism over what he's chosen to like as it is. I'll have to explain to him a lot of things when I get the chance.... He looks pleased and a small smile lights his face, none too helping my problem as I wave him over to the table. "Let's eat." I manage, hoping my voice doesn't sound as strained as my scales feel.

"Thanks! I'm glad it looks good!" He says cheerily, the girls looking at each other and at me knowingly, and I do my best to shoot them a definite glare the prince won't see as he waves at them, the group leaving. "Thank you again." He tells them.

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