Chapter 12

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"Sorry! Sorry!" He keeps saying it and I half wish he wouldn't say that. He's royalty, higher than me in every way, and just starting out with a tail! But I am grateful to know he is kinder than the man that is his father. I carefully put a hand to his chest and one on his back, tilting him upright.

"Calm down." I tell him, his odd breathing stopping as he looked up at me with his flawless eyes, his breath starting to even out as his long brown hair floated to his shoulders, his heart beating quickly against my hand. "You're alright." I tell him, patting his back gently and letting go of him. "Swimming will come naturally."

He puts his arms out slightly, balancing himself as I grab the cloth from Ursula's off the bed, swimming back over and wrapping it around behind him, typing it gently around his chest, grateful for the covering. He was staring at my chest again intently, tilting his head slightly to follow one that wrapped around my side, his cheeks oddly red, and only flushing redder on looking up and meeting my eyes.

"S-Sorry." He mumbled, his eyes diverting to the door.

"No apologizing needed." I said, contemplating wether to add 'my prince' to the sentence in silence before opening the door and swimming through, making sure he followed at his own pace. I didn't mind him staring at my chest really, there was a look in his eyes, not like he was pitying me for having been so harmed, but a look of connecting where each came from. I hated pity. It was a sign someone thought you were weak. 'You poor soul, getting hurt like that serving your causes!' Yes, lovely sea I live in here.

The human looked amazed at everything and anything. He was amazed at the walls, the floor, the algae, the lamp fish, everything I didn't know anyone could get fascinated with. I waited for him patiently, suppressing a smile at his child-like amazement. His face lit up with an excitement and wonder at so many things, little natural dimples in his cheeks as he smiled, perfection in a cute teen way. He was adorable. Prince Charles, the one who picked a breeder's tail, and got ditched by his own father just the day before, when he had met him- he was beaming happily right at me. And it was hard not to let a smile slip on my lips- and it did slip. I let a small smile back at him, and he looked pleasantly surprised, his mouth widening. His smile was infectious.

I turned away from him and beckoned him along, leading the way and wrestling my smile off my face. As much as he may love the anemone designs, it was time for breakfast. We headed out of the building and he stuck close to me this time, his head constantly moving and his tail moving on its own accord as he seemed to forget he never had one before, instinct taking over as he swam flawlessly, looking around at everything with a grin now.

I lead the way down to the only place with food, actual food and not kelp anyways- the parlor. I only hoped no 'distractions' would try to earn our gazes as I lead the way in, the water from above dimly lighting inside as the rest of the place had flaring light fish, swimming lazily around on their own accord, their bioluminescence dimmer than the hotel's lamp fish. I already was thinking of having the prince outside when I decided that was even more risky and even more of a bad idea.

Someone pressed closer to me as the prince suddenly looked a lot less curious, moving away from a brown fin who was looking at him with a dirty look. I wrapped an arm around Charlie's shoulders to make it seem like this prince was mine, and the guy was fooled and obviously not having had seen the prince as I led the little orange-tail away to a food area.

(I have like 2+ chapters ready to publish but I'll just update this daily with them)

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