Chapter 40

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"I cannot believe he has managed to hide himself in the flowerbed." Ursula was stirring a drink in her hand with a purple spoon. "He will get himself sunburned."

"Should I dump the SPF stuff on him?" I asked nonchalantly, watching the short angry man shift in the dirt like a bottom feeder hiding from predators.

"No. He will learn through experience why we are inside, in the cool air, not sweating." Ursula moved and offered me the drink, which tasted like sweet seaweed.

"Charley told me to take care of him." I held the drink and leaned against the window. "He's naked and likely hungry."

"Go offer him your tea then." Ursula started slurping her own, a sound I could do without in my life.

I walked out to the bushes and squatted down near the wood-chips and sediment that made up the garden. The bright pink skin of the naked man was still fairly visible beneath a layer of dirt, but still and tense.

"Want some tea?" I offered.

"Suck a fuck and off a dick!" Came a muffled reply, before a head appeared and the octi started to gag and spit everything he had in his mouth out.

"You are not using any of those words correctly." I warned. "It's suck a dick, and fuck off."

"Oh really? How does that make more sense? They're just human words anyways!" He complained. He was starting to get on my nerves.

"Sit up and drink the tea." I encouraged him. "You ran around the house all night, and if your mouth is dry, you should drink."

The octi eyed me. "How did you know my mouth is dry?"

"I have learned the ways of a human." I said, quite proud of my own learning. "I can guess."

Ursula walked out with a phone. "Charley is ready to be picked up!" She called.

I jumped up, and the octi followed. We both could agree Charley was the reason we were here, and my Angel was safe and healed now. "To the car?" I asked, ready to run there if I needed, and shove over the octi if he moved in my way.

"Yes, get into the car." Ursula encouraged.

I ran to the vehicle and practically threw myself into the front seat, the one not near the forbidden wheel. The octi stared at the side of the vehicle, attempting to find out how to enter the side. I felt sure of myself, he seemed dumber than a sea cucumber.

Ursula opened the door for him and saw my gloating look. "You were just like him a while ago, don't look like that." She scolded me like a mother, removing my smirk. "Charley wants you to be on your best behavior when we get there. Help Argus into some pants." She handed me sweatpants.

I grunted and crawled into the back, pulling the octi in by his arm. "What do I call you?" I asked, slamming the door closed behind him when he was in.

The octi eyed me. "Your worst nightmare." He sassed, acting all haughty.

"Charley says his name is John Argus now." Ursula supplied me with information.

"Well, Argus," I said, squinting at him as I locked the door behind me. "Time to put on pants."

"No!" He screeched.

The following battle took up the rest of the car ride, but only because the feisty barracuda could bite me now. When the pants were on, I made sure they stayed on with how tight I could knot the string over his hips. He hated that, I was loving the freedom of the job well-done and sitting on his back.

"You are a full-grown octi. Act like one!" I warned.

"No!" He whined, so very much like a guppy.

"We're here." Ursula parked the car, looking at me out of the side of her eye as she knew something I did not. I never liked that look on anyone's face.

"What's going on?" I asked, getting out and grabbing Argus to drag with me.

"Let's just act on our best behavior." The sea-which said, sharp and warning.

I frowned at her annoying tone but looked for up and around me for Charley. He was on a bench outside, sitting beside another human that had greeting hair and kept his head down.

"Charley!" At my voice, Charley stood and walked to me, smiling with the features of a god, swaying to me and so easy to catch in my arms and squeeze. My whole body sang in delight to have him in my arms, both of us hugging.

"I am glad we're all okay!" Charley remarked, looking around to the human man, Ursula, and John. "I wanted you to meet... Cavandan." He gestured to the man.

For a moment I was confused. The human I noticed now looked up, showing blue eyes like mine and features like my father's. He rose, and I moved Charley gently away from me.

"Hey there." Cavandan dipped his head to me. "You look a lot like mom."

"You look like dad." I responded, feeling anger well up.

"You've been taking care of Charles, haven't you?" He asked, looking to the angel.

"Yes." I could feel a gentle hand on my arm as Charley moved beside me, unafraid of the man and not showing any sign that I might need to be violent with him. But I still wanted to punch him, this son of a sole fish!

"Good, you seem to be doing a much better job than I had." He nodded to me in approval, but the air was still stiff between us.

"I trust XY completely." Charley spoke now, bringing both of our gazes to him. "You two look like you have stuff to talk about, but I want to go back to that kingdom soon."

I blinked in surprise, "What? Charley, the King tried to kill me, and sell you off to marry!" It made more sense to never go back there, or even pick a different piece of ocean to live in.

Charley's eyes moved away to me, over to John. "He needs to find his brother in the trench." He looked to me. "I need to find the necklace my mother left me. And I can't live out of the water anymore." He looked into my eyes and dared to say, "You don't have to come-"

"I'm going with you."
"I'm going with you." I cut him off, surprised to find an echo. I looked up, Cavandan and I both had spoken at once.

Charley sighed a little in relief. "Ursula, I'll need you-"

"I'm coming to help out of course, Charley, you don't even have to ask your poor aunt." She had a proud smile on her face, like his choice to be put back into danger was something to be respected. I didn't see the connection, but I was sure I would protect him.

Charley smiled and the world seemed to part the clouds overhead just for him. The light that touched his beautiful face made my chest tighten and forced the corners of my mouth to turn up. Oh cod, he made my chest ache in a good way.

John walked over and butted himself against Charles, earning him that golden gaze his way. "You will take me home?" He asked, looking between us and Charles. He knew damn well that he was getting his way home through the prince.

"We'll find your brother. I want to see what the trench is like, too." Charley commented, looking to me. "You know about the trench the most."

"I do. I can keep you safe." I promised Charley.

"I know you can." Charley tilted his head to me. His hair was curled out of the water, framing his face, little crinkles in the corners of his eyes to show he was very happy.

"I'll get us back to the right ocean, everyone load up into my car. The adults here need to get all their money together." Ursula spoke now, catching the group's attention. "We can get back home in a one-way flight."

"Before that...." Charley walked away from me and Argus to Ursula's side. "Can I ask you something?"

Ursula nodded, "Of course, anything you need." She turned Charley away from us, obviously something private. He asked, she laughed, and nodded to him.

The best I could do was clap my hands over Argus's ears and take him to the car.

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