Chapter 23

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Two chapters so soon?! Am I crazy?! Nah, I just got my HEAD IN THE WATER AND I AIN'T COMING UP FOR AIR. Oh, by the way, if you like this and hate the wait, I've written other things with 1k chapters and more boyxboy and manxman stuff. I hope you like this book and the others!

Comment, vote, and yell at me to be more productive if you'd like. Here's more 1k chapters for ya!



Cod, nothing wants to work out right now does it? The moment I decide I'll protect the angel in my arms and flatter him, I receive a free shark attack and shrimpy advisor visit! What the fuck next?!

I bit the inside of my cheek as Charley hasn't let go of me, and I could feel he was trembling slightly in my hold. If it wasn't the cold water getting to him, it was the shark, and either way I very much wanted just to softly rub on him and warm up, to tell him it was fine now. But, now this idiot's shown up in the lobby.

Red tail, shrimpy looks, this is a king's messenger or advisor for sure. Either way I didn't want him around, and I certainly don't like what came out of his mouth. There was no way I could stand around the king with a clear conscious here, the man was a coral-brained scum-bag who made Charley feel sad and probably made him pretty damn sad, not to mention sent this idiot to fetch his own son after that blow.

I turned away from the shrimp and started to softly rub the small of Charley's back, peeking out of the Conch Hotel to make sure the shark was being dealt with. With the armored men swimming overhead to deal with the problem, I assumed so before heading to the angel and I's room. We still would have to wait for them to give an all clear before we could deal with going where the shrimp wanted us to go, which was fine by me.

"Why are you following us?" I suddenly turned, facing the red fin and narrowing my eyes at him. Messenger, advisor, whatever, he could go wait in the damned lobby while I checked Charley.

"Well, he's the prince, I'm supposed to watch him and the king gave me express orders not to let him out of my sights, even if he's with you." The guy explained, looking at me with raised eyebrows that threatened 'What are you going to do about it?'

"Tsk, he's perfectly safe with me." I informed the shrimp, before keeping on towards our room, the prince's hold loosening slightly as he looked up at me. I softly rubbed his back more, looking down to see him looking up at me warily, and for a moment I wondered if he doubted my comment until his eyes flicked towards the shrimp and then me. That's someone he doesn't trust.

"Well, still-"

"You can stand outside the room, that's it. The prince doesn't need to be more alarmed considering we were just chased by a shark." I said with finality, glaring at the man to try and argue. He did the smart thing and backed off.

"Alright, alright. I'll stay out here, call me if you need anything, and I'll let you know when the shark has been dealt with. My name is Saline by the way." The man said, and I rolled my eyes as I realized he was aiming his words to the beauty in my arms. I was 'just the bodyguard' anyways.

Before anything else could happen, I swam into the room and whacked the door closed with my tail. The prince let out a sigh as I carried him to the sponge, setting him down. Instead of letting me go as he sat on the bed, he held onto me, looking a little conflicted. I wrapped both arms around him and started to massage his back as I sat on my tail on the floor, his trembling stopping as I put my head to his chest. This was an affectionate gesture, and I knew it, but I wasn't sure if he knew that, so I kept softly rubbing his back.

"XY?" Charley said, my head tilting up to meet his eyes. His cheeks seemed to tint orange in a blush as my eyes met his, and he averted his gaze a little. "You'reveryhandsome, and, er, are you actually an assassin...?" He rushed.

I chuckled at him calling me handsome. Should I tell him the truth? Most women would swoon for that sort of thing, but then again, he wasn't a woman and I wasn't sure what would put him on edge. If I was going to be called out as an assassin, I might as well answer truthfully. "Yes, I am an assassin for the king or whoever is royal." I told him. "That means I'm under your command, my prince."

Charley looked away from me, suddenly blushing brightly. "Don't call me that please, just call me Charley." He requested.

"Very well, Charley." I said with a smile. I definitely was caught with this boy. "No-"

"Prince! The shark alert is gone, let us head to the palace!" Called the shrimp outside. Saline was going to be a salty husk if he kept up with the interruptions between Charley and I. Was the whole sea against me trying to be nice and get close to this angel?

"Oh, thank you!" Charley called, and I got up before helping him off the bed and upright, steadying him carefully with my hands on his sides. His face was flushed again as he headed to the door, waiting for me to open it before swimming through cautiously.

Saline coughed. "Would you mind removing that you scoundrel?" The red man asked, pointing to the prince's neck with his glare on me.

Ah, cod, that made sense. Charley still had the blue choker on, marking him as mine. I neglected to realize that was probably what had coral up Saline's fin, seeing as the prince was unaware of his given apparel's meanings. I looked to the prince who met my eyes with a confused glance, but I shrugged and moved over to him to unlatch it.

The prince backed away slightly and shivered at my hands against his neck, going completely still and wide-eyed as I removed the little blue felt. Not wanting to ditch it completely, I wrapped it around his wrist, a symbol of friendship with the blue, and to say his neck looked naked without my sharp contrasting color was right. My eyes trailed from his neck to his mouth, lingering for a second to marvel at the soft pink lips that were slightly parted before meeting his eyes.  He was looking at me like I'd just broke his pottery or something, not that I'd know how that looks from personal experience or anything. I backed away and looked towards the shrimp still glaring at me distastefully.

"Come on now, we can't float around for any longer." Saline barked.

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