Chapter 7

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The Prince's POV

Okay then.... I'm alive. I was led through some creepy coral place to this new room. It was neatly arranged, a vanity mirror in one corner with a box of what I'd assume would be makeup or something like it on top the smooth surface, then there was a chest, slightly open with a black sleeve hanging out of it, and a giant clam. I swam towards the clam curiously and knocked on it.

It opened with a frenzy of bubbles that blocked my vision for a moment before I was pulled into- another hug. But this time, my head was right between two large breasts. I quickly pushed away, not liking that at all.

"Oh my dearest guppy wuppy, you're home!" A slimmer version of my childhood villain from The Little Mermaid, Ursula said, her large breasts bouncing at every syllable.

"Ursula...?" I asked, more to myself, marveling and shocked.

"Yes child! Let me see you!" She says happily, pushing me back and looking me up and down. "Ahh, such a slim figure! You get that from your mom! And that strong face from your father, with your mothers eyes!"

I opened my mouth to talk again and closed it before looking around, seeing the bubbles let loose had formed a breathable bubble around me and Ursula with normal, non overly sweet air. "Uhm..." I tried, tilting my head. "How do you know me...?"

"Oh, that is right, Prince Charley would not remember his birth place. You were so small when I last saw you." Ursula says, hugging me again, but not before I turned my head as not to be smothered. "You poor frightened child....! I am your Auntie Ursula." She says, ruffling my hair. "Now, want to wish to know what is going on? That will cost you an explanation of how you got here." Her tone turned gentle and cryptic, though I nodded quickly to this deal. An explanation is what I needed right then.

She pulled over a little grey vanity seat and I quickly sat, beginning to regale her what all had happened, and her face went through different emotions as I went on. She looked pleased when I finally caught up to the part about arriving to her cave.

"Goodness! So sorry about my food trying to bite you." She says with laughter at the end, handing me a cup of something with one of her eight black tentacles. She gave off a homely air, like she was actually my aunt, and I was fine with talking to her. Then, she got around to her end of the bargain.... "Well, Charley. Your mom met me on a cruise ship over the Atlantic. She loved the sea and everything about it.... So one day, I stuck a deal with her. The tragic story about a lost love, for a tail and the ability to swim with the merpeople." She started, and I started to wonder if this was true, why she called me Prince, if the King hugging me was because I was a Prince.... Would that make the man my father? I glanced towards the impatient looking man out of the bubble, talking to the dark blue finned mer guy that had been dragging me around as Ursula continues talking.

"You were born twenty years ago tomorrow. Though you probably know that at least. When you were born, the kingdom was at war. The safest thing your parents could do was have me turn you human and send you to the surface, with a trusted ward to watch over you." Ursula's face darkened. "The ward however disappeared with you, and the kingdom fell into a depression, almost losing to the dark dwellers."

"My ward... my caretaker... Cavandan." I said quietly, remembering the hardly ever somber mess that had raised me, who had never let me near the sea and treated me like dirt.

"Yes." Ursula confirmed. "Cavandan never returned you. But it seems.... his little brother has." She says, gesturing to my dark blue savior.

I nodded slowly, taking this in. "So.... What do I do now...?" I ask quietly, my clothes sticking to my skin as water rushed to me, leaving a bubble around my head only.

"Well, now we talk to your father." Ursula turned away from me, a slight scolding tone edging her voice as she looked at the King and crossed her arms. "What do you want me to do Aquiaridon?" She asks.

"I want my son to be able to talk and hear us, as well as swim with his own tail!" The King says promptly, as if he had things to do and needed this done fast.

"Alright. Done." Ursula says, rolling her eyes. "Just go back outside and wait with your damn guards. I will give you back my nephew in a few minutes."

The King looked shocked for a split second, before fixing himself and swimming towards the exit. XY started to follow.

"Wait." Ursula stopped them, before signaling the man who had brought me here with her finger. "Come here blue boy, you are staying."

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