Chapter 41

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Charley's POV

XY and Argus had never been on a plane, or through plane security. This would be their first and only time, thankfully.

XY didn't like to be touched. Argus hates people. I didn't mind airports as long as I had someone to help me through. Ursula had to mother hen all of us, with Cavandan acting like a bachelor with a dislike of kids. I noticed he still had a drinking habit too, the little bottle in his bag sliding through a scanner with his shoes.

Ursula found palm-tree shirts for everyone and glasses to cover XY and Cavandan's eyes. We were all an unapologetic tourist-looking mess to everyone who saw us, and I was very happy to be placed in the middle of the plane with Argus and XY on either side of me. XY seemed so relaxed and placed his hand over mine. Argus took my arm in his hands and clutched onto me, hiding in his pink palm-tree shirt and hissing softly at everyone but young women and children.

As the plane took off, John Argus passed out in fright, leaving XY and I conscious and able to talk. I didn't neglect to notice XY brace himself in his chair out of fright, however. My heart thumped happily seeing him play so cool around me once the plane leveled out.

"XY?" I want to talk to him now. He was the man I wanted in my life.

He looks to me beneath his shades. "Yeah, Charley?" His thumb circles slowly over the back of my hand.

The flutter in my stomach seemed to stir more at the touch, and hearing his voice was a luxury I missed. I had previously thought about what brought him here and what I was going to say to him now, but of course, the moment I open my mouth, all that escapes me is a soft noise that accompanies my throat giving up. All I had thought about saying now was flying out the window.

XY chuckles, which is a nice, deep sound. My whole face turns red in embarrassment and my heart decides to do panicked flips. Gah, I couldn't manage to get a word out! And XY just sat there patiently for me, while I tried to speak looking like a cat with a hairball!

"Refreshments? Refreshments?" The stewardess calls, walking up the side of the plane.

I quickly wave to her. "Water, please." My voice was more of a squeak than a request. My face had to be so red right now!

The lady took a moment to pour a cup for me, which XY took, passing the clear plastic to me. I happily drank, while XY seemed anxious. Guilt started to eat at me for making him look that way.

"Sorry, sorry." I apologize, red in the face still and stuttering my words. "I- I had somethingtotellyou, and then I tried tosay it, butIcouldn't, I'msorry, and I-" I spoke in a rush.

"Charley." XY moves his hand and cupped my face, the other hand squeezing my own. "Relax." He coaxes, in the most calming and commanding voice.

Gah! I loved his confidence! I melted instantly, pressing my cheek to his hand. "I'm sorry, I thought I had enough courage to..." my voice goes quieter to almost a mumble, "to... say how much I like you...." Ahh! I managed to say that!

XY gave me a wide smile and moved close, kissing my cheek with a gentle smooch. I immediately turn beet-red and he whispers to me. "When I had you in my arms and you gave me that first kiss on the cheek, do you know what I told myself?" He asks.

I shake my head, looking into his eyes, past the shades.

"I told myself at that moment I would protect you for the rest of your life." XY tells me in a whisper. "Because I love you."

My whole body feels ready to burst, and giddiness rose up, and I am in love with this man. I could hardly believe his words, but I was happy in the moment, and even more excitement blossomed as he kissed my lips and I kiss back. Our lips press together and love flows between us, and XY wraps his strong, muscular arms around me like he might just steal me from my chair.

We pull away, and I feel at least a thousand miles higher than I already was. I was buzzing with the adrenaline and happiness that XY reflects, and I feel like I can touch Mars when I was only in an airplane beside a sex god.

I stare at XY's face with a stupid dorky grin on my own face, completely in a daze for however long infinity takes. I recalled the hot hunk of a merman that climbed onto my boat in the Caribbean, and I thought he was sexy... he was still sexy, and now taken!

XY decides to say something, taking my hands in his. "I will keep you safe." He tells me. "I am yours to command, and I will kill anyone that hurts you."

My eyes widen a little in surprise. "You don't need to go that far." I assure him with a smile. He makes me worry a little, but I won't deny that I want someone to protect me.

"I do mean what I say." He insists. He moves close and steals soft kisses from my lips that make me melt more to his hold. I would have moved to his lap if this wasn't an airplane.

The kisses stop when John wakes up and seems sulky. I look to him and smile, and the octi-guy just gives a grossed face like a little kid who walked in on his parents kissing. My hand stays laced with XY's, gently squeezing to make sure this was real.

The stewardess walks by and I stop her to ask for more drinks. I make sure John gets a cup of apple juice, and I also tell the stewardess to give XY a soda. There is nothing more to do on the plane other than wait to land - but I get up and check on Ursula and Cavandan anyways.

They seem to be chatting when I walk up. As soon as I stand near them, they quiet.

"What are you discussing?" I ask.

"How you were as a kid." Cavandan answers. "You were not the brightest, but that's on me. I wasn't a very good human."

"Or father figure." Ursula tuts.

I smile at them. "I still think you both are my parent figures." Ursula seems touched and Cavandan gives half a smile.

"Go on and sit back down. We'll land soon and we can all get back into the water." Cavandan insists. "You're too friendly for your own good."

I turn away and head back to my seat. I am so happy! It seems that nothing can go wrong! Ahhhhh! I have a hot merman boyfriend who will keep me safe and a mission in life!

I will be the one who brings the people of the trench back to the light.

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