Chapter 22

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That was sooo stupid! My face is so red! Gahhhh! That wasn't even a kiss anywhere near the lips and I'm blushing! What the hell! Oh my goodness why did I kiss his cheek! Okay, okay, I need to pull myself together. Before I go floating off with hyperventilating again.

He must think I'm so stupid! I literally overreacted to learning I could get pregnant.... if I ever had sex. I don't even know how that works. What if he thinks I'm weird and sex driven?! No, no, I'm literally overreacting to a kiss on the forehead! What if he thinks I'm too shy or innocent for anything?! That sounds worse, I'm still a man and could lose my man card! That was, if I hadn't already....

Thank goodness I'm pulled from my thoughts to his hand running through my hair, and he pulled me up by my waist to a little more comfortable position against his chest. "Hey, Charley?" He asked, smiling at me. God, why did he have to look like a fricking sex god?! He had a perfect smile and perfect teeth and great hair! Whyyyyy?!

"Yeah?" I asked softly, not having any faith in my voice whatsoever, trying to keep my eyes from his.

"You are ridiculously cute." He chuckled, his hand moving from my hair to my chin before he softly kisses my cheek. My face lit up, if my blush had faded at all, it just returned. Gaahhhh! I wanted to hide my face but he wouldn't let me move my face away, still holding my jaw. He was staring at my face again, like he did in the restaurant place, but this time his expression was softer. 'Loving', almost. "You are so beautiful."

Gaaaaaaah! My whole face is red! This whole thing with the kisses and then he compliments me! Cute? Beautiful?! I feel like a girl! I might as well just toss myself backwards and shred any apparently non-existent man card! The Little Mermaid couldn't even get this type of man if she traded in her voice, makeup, and all the riches in her dad's kingdom I bet! Oh, I'm going to die here and it's my birthday.

Oh, right, it's my birthday.... I forgot. It is my birthday, I've learned I can get pregnant, and now I'm in the arms of a hunk of a merman blushing like all the blood has rushed to my face. What a great time to be eighteen! I hope my sarcasm is evident, because honestly, I'm so so so dead.

"Charley? It's time to get off this ridge." XY's voice said beside me, something in his tone making me confused as I looked up at him, worried for a moment he was suddenly regretting the kisses, but then I followed his eyes. A school of something was racing towards us to escape the one predator that was both scary and impressive; sharks.

My face went blank as I wiggled quickly, wanting to get up and off the ridge ASAP. I wasn't going anywhere with my tail to the sand, but thank goodness for XY as he wrapped his arms around my waist and got up with an impressive shove with his tail. He carried me quickly, darting down off the ridge and heading quickly towards the city. I could only wrap my arms around him tightly, looking over his shoulder as a shark broke away from chasing the large school of what looked like tuna or bluefish, the beast seemingly figuring that there was something better to chase here. I unconsciously whimpered as it began a pursuit, placing my head to XY's shoulder. I'd seen enough sharks to know what one could do, and I knew from experience the big dot I was seeing from far off was only going to get bigger; me-sized bigger.

"Don't worry, we'll be safe in the city." XY said in my ear, and for once I was wondering why we had even left it. It was great for privacy out on that ridge, but was that just so he could ask about my past? So he could flatter me? I didn't care much as my fears turned to the shark coming after us.

"XY, hurry!" I said, eyes widening as the shark was no doubt faster than the big blue-finned mer- especially since he was carrying me!

He started swimming quicker with a glance over his shoulder. "Hold on." He said, moving his arms tightly around my waist before going really fast, tilting me back so we were parallel to the ground, his tail going faster. It made sense in my head, less resistance to us if we swim this way. But my stomach had other plans.

I held onto XY tighter, putting my head to his shoulder and trying not to feel queasy as I felt like a human bullet, super cold as we passed through some cold ocean and super warm pushed up against my amazing savior and body guard. My tail was flat against his as well, though it didn't even go halfway down it as my tail only bent slightly with the powerful swipes of his fluke.

Suddenly he veered upwards, making me feel like I was on a sudden weird rollercoaster as he dodged up and over a building, before calling out; "Sharks on the reef edge! Sharks on the edge!" His tone was clear and startled me slightly, and he slowed down as he headed into the apartment-type place we came from before.

We didn't get a moment's rest though. "Mister Charley! Assassin XY!" Someone chirped, a armor-plated man floating by the receptionist. "The King wanted to see you! Uh, I guess it can wait until after the sharks have passed, no?"

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