Chapter 18

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Sorry for the late updates that are becoming less consistent, I've had to put up with parties and summer and cleaning and real life stuff but now I am here and will update when I can.
That and this Wattpad update stinks, give me a while to get use to it.

Charley's Backstory, his POV

I was raised on homeschooling and a cruel guardian in California, USA. My guardian's name was Cavandan (XY looked mildly surprised at the name). All I really wanted was his approval in my life. That and to see the ocean.

Cavandan was strict, no playing indoors or outdoors, no talking when he was talking to anyone, no going out without him and permission, and absolutely no playing in the tub, or any pool, or water. I didn't understand why he was so hell-bent against me swimming, but now I guess I do know why....

My life for the first few years was in silence and filled with internal doubt and some silent screaming. Well, that's how I had described it. If I broke a rule, broke the silence, Cavandan would be there to scold me and whip me. If I tried to run away he'd chase me down and punch me across the jaw. I didn't know about the CPS, being the Child Protection Agency, until I was reported about by my first teacher.

I was about twelve when I asked to go to school. I broke the silence when Cavandan was the most sober one evening at dinner. He must have figured I'd fit in better and stay out of his way if he sent me, so I was off to seventh grade. I had done so much studying in boredom with my homeschooling books that I now surpassed my classmates.

I didn't really hide all the bruises the first day I got from Cavandan. Or the second day. By the third day I was seen as accident prone and my teacher noticed me being bullied. She asked if I had gotten the bruises by the other boys, I said no, and there was a court case. I was put in a foster system an moved all over for several years, but I got my schooling in.

I went to college one year, got a dorm, got a diploma in Marine Science. Then I was off into aquariums and sea exploration expeditions- which is just a bunch of guys on a boat with fancy submarines really, checking out fish and cataloging them. I loved it. I was able to see the ocean. It was pretty fun and all, and we got payed and thanked when we returned to shore, and when you found me I was in my boat I had saved all my money for.

So, yeah. That's about all my life after I was not returned. I never guessed I'd be some Mer prince.

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