❥ 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 1

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Asᴘʏɴ Iᴠᴏʀʏ Jᴏɴᴇs
Fᴇʙʀᴜᴀʀʏ 11ᴛʜ,2020

I pulled up to my job not wanting to leave out my car in this cold ass weather. It was at least 29 degrees outside and I hate cold weather. Y'all know us African American people can't stand cold weather. Some can, but I ain't some.

I open my car door feeling the cold breeze hit me. Milwaukee never been this cold. I should be use to it already since I been down here for 10 months. I'm from Toronto Canada. So yes I'm Canadian. I just like the heat the most.

I dial in the password I get into the door. I open door to my workplace hearing the dogs and cats all act a fool.

"Thank goodness your here"my coworker Stacy sigh heavily. "Mallory was suppose to be opening this morning but she called in saying she's sick with the flu"

"Wow. What kind of flu this time?"I rolled my eyes. Mallory is my other coworker who always call in late or make up a lie that she's sick. My boss Tessa be acting like she don't give a damn but she do. Maybe because her son is married to Mallory.

"Sexual flu I guess"Stacy laughed. We heard the door slammed causing Stacy to stop laughing. Tessa walked in with her coffee in one hand and Louis bag in another. "Morning"Stacy mumble.

"Mallory not here?"Tessa ask us.

"Mallory called in sick again today"Stacy said.

"Call in Jason"Tessa spoke. Me and Stacy looked at each other knowing that Jason was going on a family vacay today.

"Ummm Tessa, Jason left to New York today"I said.

"I spoke to Jason this morning, he said they didn't leave yet and they're leaving till 3 in the evening"Tessa said.

Whatever Tessa says, we do. Jason isn't just our coworker. He's Tessa ex husband. They both found this place back in 1991 and made a name for themselves. But they divorced in 2001 and moved on with their lives. It's just that, Jason and Tessa works together now and Jason new wife hates it. His new wife thinks Jason and Tessa are fucking again. They too old for one.

"Who calling Jason?"Stacy ask me.

"You can call him"I handed her the phone with a smile.

"Yeah but I have work to do and you have papers to print. So you do it"she handed me back the phone. I cursed under my breath causing Stacy to laugh.

I shook my head as I dialed Jason phone number early this morning. I waited for him to answer till finally I heard a woman's voice. "Hello?"she spoke.

"Hi, is Jason around?"i ask.

"Yes he is, what is it that you want" she spoke into the phone.

"Okay, can you tell Jason that Tessa wants him to be at the office ASAP. She needs him here to help her with surgery"I lied. She don't need to know the full story.

"I'll tell him but please don't call his phone again. He's busy" and just like that, she hung up the phone.

"Well fuck you too then"I rolled my eyes.

"Was that Jason?"Tessa ask.

"Actually yes but a woman answered the phone"I said narrowing my eyebrows.

"Same ole Jason"Tessa shook her head. "It was a broad and not his wife"

"Trouble in paradise"


Finally I was done with work. It wasn't pack like it was last Monday. Maybe because....I don't know. But thank the lord. I have other things to do then staying at this hell hole.

"Aspyn, you have anything else to do?"Tessa ask me. Stacy shook her head and hop in her car. I thought Tessa was gone spend time with her son and Jason today so why she asking me if I'm doing anything.

"No why?"I looked at her.

"I was invited you to dinner at my house tonight. Are you coming?"Tessa ask again.

"Ummm I guess"

𝙈𝙮 𝘾𝙤𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙪𝙨𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙙. (ƈօʍքʟɛȶɛ)Where stories live. Discover now