❥𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 19

275 12 19

ᴀʟᴛʜᴇᴀ ᴍɪssʏ ᴡɪʟsᴏɴ
Aᴜɢᴜsᴛ 25ᴛʜ, 2021

"I can't believe this shit"

I huffed at the box that had all my shoes in it. Some of my shoes was squished already. I don't care cause I was thinking about selling them.

After packing up some clothes, I sat down on my couch looking around my apartment. My dog came and sat next to me licking my hand. "Hey buddy"I kissed his face. "You ready for jr huh" he barked one good time. I rubbed his head and tilt my head back. I just need to rest.

As I closed my eyes for bit, I heard the front door open. I jump up seeing Tate walking through the front door. "You was sleep?"he ask.

"Y-Yeah. Why you ask?"I narrowed my eyebrows at him. The way he dressed right now is telling me that he means business. He only dress like that when he's going to kill somebody or hurt.

"Cause I saw your eyes close and your head tilting to the side like you sleep. What you dreamed about?"Tate ask.

"Nothing honestly. Just dreaming about this new home"—"I'm leaving Milwaukee like I said"I sigh. "You can stay with your mother and wife"

"Why all of sudden you change your mind? I can't come with you?"he smiled. "I really was looking into coming"

"You don't want this baby so why even try with you"i scoffed.

"Seems like you do cause you told my wife and mother about the baby!"tate semi yelled.

"I had to before I leave...."

"So I can come and find you again. Althea you are dumb and stupid but I love you"Tate looked at me with sad eyes. "I don't wanna do this"

"Do what?!"i semi yelled.

"Hurt you"he sniffle. "It's not true. It's not true"—"This ain't real"Tate paced back and forth. Something ain't right with him.

"Tate"I tried to stop him from pacing back and forth.

"It's all an illusion"

"How?! It's fucking true and you know it!!"I yelled. I'm so pissed that he thinks this baby ain't real. It's real mother fucka.

"You fucking lie!! I didn't know you stop taking birth control!! Now you have my wife and parents questioning me about you!!"

"You should of never fucked me and got me pregnant!! Now you stuck with me for life!!"i push Tate head walking back to the couch.

Tate sigh heavily looking down at the ground. He lifted up his suit jacket pulling out his beretta M9.

I looked up at tate seeing that he had a gun. I cover my 8 month pregnant stomach scared of my life. I don't want to lose Tate jr or my life because of something stupid. Tate just need to grow up and become his father.

"Please don't"was my last words till.....


I blacked out.

ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ ᴘᴏᴠ

A large object crashed the floor making the next door neighbors a bit suspicious. The guy went to her body picking up the shell casings so the police won't know what kind of gun killed her.

"I told you"—"I fucking told you"Tate shook his head looking at Althea. "You should of left  me alone"

"You both should of"


More shots rung out in Althea apartment. Tate 6'2 tall body crashed to the floor next to Althea. He was stuttering out words looking up at the ceiling. His eyes then focused on Althea and her stomach.

"I-Im sorry"he grab Althea hand and tried to kiss it. "I love you and Tate jr"

Tate looked away from Althea and then at Aspyn. Aspyn looked at Tate shaking her head. He then looked to his right seeing Stacy.

"We didn't come in time"Aspyn sniffle. Stacy ran to Althea checking her pulse.

"Aspyn. We need to get Althea to the hospital quickly. She's still alive"Stacy rejoice. Aspyn nodded her head helping stacy with Althea.

"As-pyn"Tate called out to her. "Please watch over her and jr"

"I will"

𝙈𝙮 𝘾𝙤𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙪𝙨𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙙. (ƈօʍքʟɛȶɛ)Where stories live. Discover now