❥ 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 6

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Asᴘʏɴ Iᴠᴏʀʏ Jᴏɴᴇs
                         Mᴀʀᴄʜ 4ᴛʜ, 2020

"She's so young. She mostly just looks like a potato with eyes"

"That's your newborn granddaughter you're talkin about"I laughed at Stacy. Stacy was showing me some pics of her granddaughter. Her granddaughter was so beautiful and look more like Stacy daughter. Feel sorry for the dad.

"I know that. But she just look so wrinkly and old looking"—"my first granddaughter was beautiful like me"Stacy smiled real wide.

Stacy had black hair that stop to her shoulder. Her eyes was like a chocolate brown and her lips was very pink. Even without lipstick. Stacy was beautiful for a middle age woman. Stacy been friends with Tessa for years. They actually graduated from the same high school and went to the same college for veterinary. But Stacy said she couldn't be a veterinarian only because her son. Her son had her first grandchild at the age of 16 so she had to help her son out raising his child cause the mother of the child died giving birth. Her family didn't want no parts of Stacy grandson. I felt bad for Stacy and her family. She could of been making more money for her family.

"You thought about going back to school?"i ask Stacy.

"No but I'm thinking about retiring....."

"What! Nooooooo"I hugged Stacy not letting her go. "Why you tryna leave me?"

"I have to leave. I been here since 1992 and it's time for me to leave"Stacy said setting up the table for the next surgery.

"Ima miss you"i pouted.

Stacy sigh heavily shaking her head. "I will definitely miss our talks and working together"

Stacy was more than a friend to me. She was like my second mother. Teaching me different things. Showing me around Milwaukee. I taught her my Canadian pledge. We always laugh and smile.

"Soooo how was Tessa party?"stacy ask.

"Tessa party happened last month"I chuckle.

"I know. Ever since you went to that party you been smiling ear to ear. Who you met?"Stacy smile. I didn't want to tell Stacy that I met Tessa son and we did it. Stacy might think I'm nasty as fuck. But Mallory is too. Just as me and Stacy was talking about god knows what, Mallory walks in with a boot in her mouth. "What's wrong with you?"stacy ask.

"I'm fucking tired and want to go home"mallory sigh heavily. "I think Tessa on her period cause she wants me to stay overnight and help her with some surgery"

"We don't do surgeries overnight"Stacy said.

"Exactly. So why me?!"Mallory semi yelled. "I don't care if she hear me"

"Y'all need to settle that before the surgery happens"Stacy said. "I'm going to the front and see if we have any customers. I can hear someone talking up front"

Stacy walked out the room leaving me and Mallory together. "Is it something to do with me and Tate?"I ask Mallory. She sat down on the chair looking at me.

"Where were you last night when I called?"mallory folded her arms.

"Depends on what time you called me. I was sleep around 8 last night"I spoke.

"I'm convinced that Tate came to you yesterday and fucked you. Tell the truth aspyn"

"Why you so jealous? I'm y'all girlfriend, right?"I ask.

"You were my girlfriend"

"Mallory it didn't went like that. Me and you was all up on each other in the back seat while your husband drove us to your house. And then he fucked me while I fucked you"—"So basically it doesn't matter which one of y'all fucked me"

"You're right. It shouldn't matter"Mallory stood up and came up to me. "Just don't fuck no one else behind our back"

"What are you talking about? I haven't fuck anyone else but y'all"I narrowed my eyebrows.

"Then you're guilty. Don't do it again"mallory walked off leaving me in the room by myself.

"Aspyn! I need a hand here!"

𝙈𝙮 𝘾𝙤𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙪𝙨𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙙. (ƈօʍքʟɛȶɛ)Where stories live. Discover now