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"I can't believe I'm doing this

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"I can't believe I'm doing this." I muttered to myself as I sped down the road in my car.

The last few days flashed through my mind and I shook my head in disbelief.

Find Erik. He'll be able to help.

Help with fucking what?

How the hell was I going to find him? I remembered briefly meeting him when I was making plans with Xavier and Damon, but we never had a real conversation before.

There were too many questions that I needed answers to, something that was driving me fucking insane.

As an FBI agent, it was my duty to gather the intelligence and data to take down criminals. My specialty was in organized crime, which was why I was partnered with Garrett Benson, since he insisted that Monroe Protective Services was dirty. Due to his success rate the last few months, the superiors granted him more leeway– which was why I was stuck with his ass.

Too many agents wanted to close a case and move on to the next one, seeing everything in black and white to make the investigation quicker.

But that wasn't how I worked. I liked to look at all the facts and see things from other people's perspectives, seeing their thought processes and how they operated before making any theories.

When my superior assigned me to Benson, I knew he was the same way as the other agents. However, his obsession with the Monroes was a problem. He refused to believe anything but the devil incarnate.

This made him more brutal and short-tempered in the field, making reckless decisions that could get us all in trouble. Benson was willing to do anything to arrest them, and somehow he was able to do it at Wiseman's event.

From my experience with Monroe and Cohen, they were far from normal businessmen. One glance in their direction and anyone can tell. They had a strange atmosphere around them, where you could either be friend or foe. And you would be in deep shit if you were ever an enemy.

But oh, could Xavier Monroe wear a charming smile on his face and put you at ease, while Damon looked down at you with a scowl like you wronged him in some way. They were the perfect balance between hot and cold in the security business.

I knew these men weren't clean, not a single doubt about it. But there was something more to them that didn't necessarily seem bad. I'm sure if I knew every single crime or offense they'd committed, I'd probably have a heart attack.

A part of me thought Monroe and Cohen were in over their heads if– and honestly, by that point, I'd concluded it wasn't an if– they were trying to expose public corruption and organized crime with the Diablos.

But another part of me thought about how many resources and connections they must have to even make this much trouble. It would be extremely beneficial for the FBI to work with them–in the long run, and especially now.

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