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Two Months Later

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Two Months Later

"And it's official. Sophia Rodriguez and her close staff have been charged with fraud. The state is filing a security charge." I leaned back in my chair with a smile.

"And the recordings were sent anonymously?" Xavier asked Erik, who was typing on his device.

"Yes, everything was kept free of any mention of us or Campbell, just like you requested, boss. There's no link to us or Lorenzo just yet. Rodriguez and her crew aren't going anywhere." Erik spoke and looked up at the screen where the news played the story.

"And that's exactly what I wanted to hear. Good work. Damon, did the twins update you on the agents?"

"They're still keeping an eye on the security guards. Since the party, they've been on the down low, staying in their hotel and only going out for essentials. Besides that, no one visits them. They have been making phone calls. We bugged the place, but they've been speaking in code. The twins haven't been able to decipher it."

"They were in the military together. All soldiers have their own codes and signs; these men aren't any different. But unless they tell us, we won't be able to know their next move," Xavier said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully and paced behind his desk. "We need to take one of them and get the intel."

"But won't they be on alert if we do? They'll report back and we lose an opportunity," I said with concern, looking at the profiles spread out on the large table. "It's risky."

"Not if we make it seem natural. We've watched them for weeks and gotten nothing. I've been holding off Campbell and he's getting restless because I'm dragging a potential partnership. We need to make a move or else we'll lose an opportunity. Which guard is the easiest target?"

"According to the files, Owen Donahue has past charges on harassment and drunk behavior. All charges were dropped." Erik responded, shoving his file to Xavier.

"There's a bar not too far from the building, but none of them have gone before." I read from a map.

"We need to lure him there. Think Jasmine will mind?" Xavier asked with a grin.

"Get the twins involved and I'm sure they'll have fun. They've been getting restless anyway." I smirked as I pulled out my phone to test them.

"Ask them to take Donahue to the shed by tomorrow. And make sure they don't leave a trail– the last thing I need is Benson to get a whiff of it." Xavier rolled his eyes.

I agreed with Xavier's comment. Since Benson started working with the feds, he'd been trying to follow our trail.

Lucky for us, we'd been able to misdirect him, giving him leads to track down other criminals that weren't connected to us but that we'd been keeping our eyes on. While our primary focus was this case, we still had an organization and company to run. Benson inadvertently helped us make sure we didn't spread too thin, and the distractions kept him off our back.

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