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I sped through the large crowd, frantically pulling my hood over my head

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I sped through the large crowd, frantically pulling my hood over my head. It felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest as I quickly passed the crowd of people. My brain tried to comprehend what just happened. How far away were they? I couldn't let them catch me.

"Scatena la verità."

I dared to glance behind me, hoping I lost them. That hope died as I made eye contact with one of them. Fear filled me as the man's eyes narrowed as he pointed at me and shouted at his comrades. I didn't know what he said to his men, but I knew it wasn't good news.

The urge to throw up or pass out increased at the thought of what he did to the other man, those lifeless blue eyes staring at me.

"Sblocca il cassetto."

I clenched my eyes shut as I remembered the gunshots and blood that ran along the alley. I could almost hear them echoing in my ears.


I snapped back to reality as screams echoed the street, people running in different directions and trampling others. I was shoved to the side as I heard more gunshots being shot into the air.

"Find her!"

My eyes widened and I ran with the crowd.

"Rosaline!" I heard the man's voice shout. I whimpered as he repeatedly called my name.


I snapped my eyes open and winced at the bright lights. I adjusted my vision and was met with a concerned Maria.

"It was just a dream, Rosaline. Are you all right? You were whimpering." Maria said worriedly.

I gave her a weak smile and sat up quickly, my arms trembling from the terror coursing through my body.

"It's fine, just a nightmare," I lied weakly. "It happens every now and again. I can hardly remember what it was about anyway."

Maria looked at me skeptically before nodding. She seemed to remember something and her eyes brightened.

"I was able to get you a ride home. Grab your things and I'll take you to the back exit in a few minutes."

I nodded and got up to stretch my muscles, sighing in relief. The couch was comfortable, but it wasn't meant to be slept on.

Gathering my belongings from the corner, I put my jacket on and the bag holding the clothes I was wearing before. I scurried after Maria as the front door opened.

We turned with wide eyes to see Michael. His head was completely drenched and from the smell, it was alcohol. His shirt was wet as well, clinging to his physique.

"A stupid drunk threw his drink at me. He's lucky I only threw him out." Michael growled as he wiped the sticky residue from his face and grabbed napkins from the table.

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