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I lowered my gun and cursed as I analyzed my target. None of the bullets I fired had hit the human target.

"Damn it to hell," I growled as I slammed my gun on the bar. Xavier silently watched my frustration grow before finally speaking up.

"And I thought taking you to the shooting range would calm you. Turns out I was wrong. Huh." Xavier said thoughtfully.

He pointed his gun at a target, keeping his eyes on me as he fired three shots. We didn't need to look to know that he made the bullseye with all three bullets.

Xavier was one of the greatest marksmen that I've ever encountered, along with John. He always had great precision since we were kids throwing rocks.

Although he showed the rest of the world a bright smile and his cockiness, he was very intelligent, brutal, and fair. There was a reason he was our leader and he was greatly respected and admired for it.

It was handed down to him by his father, who was now retired, along with my parents who passed me the title of second in command.

Xavier and I balanced each other out. Xavier was the mastermind of the operation while I handled the surveillance and action. We depended on one other and were practically brothers.

But right now all I wanted to do was punch the piece of shit I called my best friend.

Grabbing the gun one more time, I pictured the target as the man who touched Rosaline tonight. Just remembering the fear I saw in her eyes made me see red all over again.




Breathing heavily, I lowered the gun and analyzed the target once more.

They were all perfect shots to the head.

I let out a grunt of satisfaction before removing my earplugs and goggles.

"It was exactly what I needed," I growled in satisfaction. "I never should have let that asshole go, but I didn't want to scare Rosaline even more than I had."

I stomped out of the shooting range, Xavier was following me. The winter chill seeped into my body. I welcomed it as I sat on a bench, Xavier joining me.

"We both know I would've done much worse if it was Maria. I'm surprised you had the control not to kill the bastard." Xavier said calmly, blowing into the air to see his breath from the cold.

"That's the problem, I didn't have control. The woman is testing it every second I am with her." I shook my head. "I would've happily killed that man if she weren't there. She's bringing out a side of me that I'm not sure I like."

"The possessive asshole in you?" Xavier chuckled. "Then again, you've always been an asshole, your woman just raises the bar even more."

"Shut the fuck up, Xavier. You're the same way and worse than I am." I snapped. Xavier chuckled and shrugged.

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