[ Chapter 5 ]

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I drop her at the survivor side of the manor and told her to meet me at the garden every day during break time, it might be a great or the worst idea ever. I do not know her yet but hopefully I do not regret my decision. There is something that makes her so attractive I thought as I walk back to the hunter's side. As I step into the library, I meet the photographer (Joseph) who is currently sits in the library reading a book. "I heard you lost a match back then, it's a shame...." He closed his book and return it to the shelf. "Mr. Jack maybe having a bad day, he never loses a match before" Axe boy (Robbie) running toward me as he asks to be lifted. Robbie behaviour makes my imagination wild; it must be cute if (Y/N) ask me to lift her as I chuckle to myself. "So, aren't you going to give us the detail of what happen in the match?" Joseph asks in a curious tone as the other hunter stare at me.

"I can be a friendly hunter whenever I want, it is none of your concern Joseph.... Besides a change of phase is nice for once" I answered. "Must be the new survivor, I heard that she is quite unique" Geisha (Michiko) steps in to take Robbie for lunch. As always, Michiko somehow knows what is inside my head, she winks at me. Alright Michiko, you got me as we all walk to the dining hall together. Having lunch together with the other hunters was fun but they mostly talk about the match they have played; I was getting bored of it as I sigh wanting to have some peaceful time at the garden later. It is 3:30pm, my break time is earlier than I thought it would, so I head to the garden and water the flowers. I see that some of the roses are blooming so I pick one for (Y/N) hoping she would come here. She is not here yet, maybe she will not come after all as I lay down behind a pillar and closed my eyes.

........ ........ I hear someone is talking and something smell sweet, ah guess she is here. I still closed my eyes pretending to be asleep. I notice she sit right next to me and try to touch my mask as I quickly grab her hand. "Curious little stalker, aren't you?" I said to her, she must be in panic knowing I am awake. I gave her the roses I pick up and she loved it very much, she is the first survivor who is not afraid of me that I feel very relieved. Knowing her still new and have no idea how the games work I tell her how to play and introduce her to all the hunters. Her expression is quite amusing, sometimes she is shocked, sad, and happy to hear the story of us the hunters. Time flies so fast as we both heard the dinner bell coming from each side of the manor, as I offer my hand to help her stand up, but I ended up pulling her towards me. She blushed that is cute, I smile and bid farewell to her. I wish we could see each other again soon; I would love to get to know her even more.

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