The Ending

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Few days have passed, Naib still thinking about the same thing which make him lose focus and all. He often spaces out in the middle of work that makes you worried as you tap him on the shoulder, "Hey, if you are not feeling well, you can go back first and rest... I will take care of the bakery" you show him a worried expression. "Oh! no it's alright I'm just thinking" as he stays quite for a few second "Hey (Y/N) can I talk to you about something later on at home, it's ... kind of important" Naib hesitate for a moment but he thinks it's the right choice. "Oh alright, let's talk later but now..." You flick his forehead, "let's do out job to please the customers alright" you gave him a wide smile as he sighs and smile back. Maybe I might make the right choice after all he thought and then go back to work.

The sun is down and you guys sit on the dinner table together, after eating meals. Naib breath in and bring up the topic, "before I come here looking for you, I've been travelling, and you know that already... I actually looking for a way" Naib holds his cup tightly. "A way...? A way for what?" you tilt and confused. "You.... Miss Jack aren't you" Naib said in a sad tone as it shocks you a bit. "Well ... I ..." you cannot answer it right away as Naib stand up and give you the letter he brought. "I actually trying to find a way, so you can meet him again because that stupid turnip—I mean Jack...." he pauses and then continue with a heavy heart "He... is the one for you, he always regrets the bad things he done to you... he loves you very much which I hate but his love is .... Genuine ... pure ... he let you go because he wants you to have a normal happy live and I can see that you did". You still stood there in silent as you still shock but Naib keeps continue, "(Y/N) ... I love you, but I cannot take you from the man who truly loves you....and you truly love him" As Naib glance at the red rose in your place. "Every morning I notice you touch that flower, and your tears always drop as you always in a hurry to wipe it out before I can see it....and you always give me the brightest smile. "You love him very much... and I cannot take you from him, not wanting to see your smile faded every morning and try to smile everyday just to hide it" as Naib talk with a serious tone as tears start falling down and you wipe it out...

"Naib, you are right... I miss him... I tried to move on and forget about him but... I just can't .... I'm sorry I love you too but I just... can't imagine myself without Jack" as you start sobbing. Naib never sees that side of you, since he always sees you smile and hold your emotion so other will feel calm but seeing you cry in front of him making his heart relief as he as you to open the letter. You slowly reach out to the letter and open it, it's an invitation back to the manor but this time it gives you a choice just to visit as you look naib in the eyes "How did you get this...". Naib wipes your tears with his fingers and answer softly "You don't need to know how I got it; you got a chance to see him again... don't you want it?" Naib smile. You hold the letter tightly to your chest as you close your eyes, "I want to go back and see him and old him about my feelings" as you are shacking. Naib stands up and hug you from above "Then let's go tomorrow... Jack is waiting for you" .... You nod as you are drowning in his embrace. "Thank you, Naib... you are... truly special to me"

After a really long night you both pack your stuff as you are laving early in the morning to go back to the manor. Your hand is shacking as Naib notice it, "Hey, we will be alright... "he gives you the softest smile as you breath in and out and walk together. After a long journey you and Naib made it to the manor and seeing the exact same door long ago.... "I remember my first day come here, you are the one who open the door for me Naib" you chuckle remembering all the things. Naib stood there blushing and embarrassed "Well just for you know, I didn't expect opening a door to someone that stole my heart" he looks down... as he suddenly panic "I mean to a girl ... yeah a girl haha". You chuckles, "Thankyou for loving me from the beginning" as you knock on the door.

The door is open as you can see it's Tracy, she give you a huge smile as she jump and hug you. "We are expecting you to come back!! (Y/N) !! Naib !!" she giggles as you miss this moment and hug her back "I'm back Tracy... how come you know we are coming?" Tracy just give you a huge smile. "Naib keep trying to contact the Baron as it kind of affect how it works around here but we don't mind, we miss you very much as Tracy pull my arms and drag me to the hall where every other survivors and hunter are welcoming me with warm tone. That moment my tears start fall down again but this time it's tears of joy... "I'm back everyone" as they all cheered. When you are busy with everyone else, Naib quietly leave as he walk to the garden and sit under the tree. "Hey, Turnip... I change my mind..." Naib look at the sky while Jack slowly remove the book that been covering his face. "You really do come back as rumour.... So that means..." Jack ask. "(Y/N), she is here... go back to your lover before I change my mind again. Besides...." Naib take the small box from his pocket and slide it next to Jack hand, "You should be the one who gave this to her" as Naib stand up. "Just to be clear, she will reject me even though I'm the one giving it, she is sooooo into you... I don't know what she sees in you but just be glad" Naib show a really tsundere side but deep down he is relief and happy for Jack. "So go get her back..." as Naib leave the garden and rush back to the hall to see you. As soon as he arrive he see you smiling and chatting with others, "Now that's the smile I love seeing from you" Naib lean on the wall. .




"(Y/N) you might not know but, Jack always looks gloomy since you are gone... but he never hurt us" Tracy and the other nod and agree about the statement Ganji said. "My dear, ever since the rumour you might come back here he always looks ridiculous..." Geisha chuckles. "He is like in a panic, but he is full of joy... but you might see him act cool so don't tell him I told you this" Michiko wink at you as you giggle with her. Robbie suddenly pull your sleeve and ask you to follow him as he leads you to the garden, without even you asking you already know why as Robbie give you a hug and smile before he leave. You slowly reach out the garden door and open it,  but when you open it you bump into something... or someone. "Ah sorry i..." as you look up and see Jack. Jack didn't use his mask as you can see his eyes shine because he is been holding his tears as he embrace you in a passionate hug. "(Y/N)... " as you also tearing up and hug him back tightly. During the hug Jack slowly back up and start to carry you bridal style out of notice. "Woah jack... "as your lips was shut by his, it was long and a passionate kiss as you also melt in his arm and caress his face. As both of your face start to make distance, you both chuckles in happiness, "I miss you" you both say it on the same time. you put your arms around his shoulder as jack slowly sit down under the tree where you both always share your love. "(Y/N)... I'm a bad guy and I hurt you a lot, but you always see the good side of me. I'm a lucky man who received an unconditional love from a perfect woman like you, I didn't expect you to comeback as I accept my fate as the ripper. But you are here right here right now beside me and I don't want to let you go anymore whatever the reason I won't hurt you or make you cry". Your eyes meet his as you know he is saying the truth and it's genuine as you nod, "I love you Jack, you are the first person who accept me for who I really am... you try to protect me even well... you kind of hurting both of us not going to lie" I pout jokingly "But you do that for me... and this time you cannot decide what I want, I decide what I want... and I want.. you .. it's what my heart desire the most" as you cup his cheek with your hand and smile. both of you cuddle under the tree before Jack reaches his pocket and show you a small box. "(Y/N), the day I lose control... I actually want to give you this but It turn out into a tragedy. That's why I try to let you go, but this time I'm sure" Jack suddenly stand up and bend on one knee. "(Y/N) will you be my love for the rest of our life?" Jack open a box with a ring in it (Just for information Jack made this with the help of other hunter that's why he got a ring~). "Jack..." as you nod and he slips the ring on to your fingers as he lift you up and both of you share one last kiss. Suddenly you heard people chanting as you didn't realize people are noticing this as they shouted "Finally" "Congratulation" "We are happy for you" and others. Your face turn red as you embarrassed as Jack just chuckles and hug you tightly hiding your face on his chest but you still take a glance on everyone as you notice Naib stand as he applause and smile to you. You move your lips "Thank you Naib..." as Naib notice it and he tilt his head and give you a soft smile.



"You are welcome (Y/N), I am still enchanted to meet you...."



(This is the end for Jack Ending *Smirk*, if you know what i mean... so there might be "Other" ending

Sorry for writing it in a rush and this is the best i can do for now, i broke my fingers and it's hard to type

also, this Jack ending is just a starter for upcoming one short or shorts

Thankyou for reading my Fanfic and Happy 4th Character Day Jack )

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