[ Chapter 14 ] Valentine's Special

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Time skip Valentine Special

*Author loves to cook, so this recipe is real, it's a simple recipes but I hope you like it (You can check my instagram for cakes / cooking photos at iGray_x)

**You can try to bake it yourself

13th February

You woke up from your bed feeling very energized, it was a nice day, and you don't have any match to play in the next 2 days, lucky! As soon as you stand up from your bed, you go to the bathroom and refresh your self my taking a shower and brushing your teeth. When you are finish you quickly dressed up on your comfortable clothes, go to your desk and look at the calendar, it was February the 13th so that means tomorrow is Valentine's Day. You quickly notice and planning to make a chocolate cake for everyone in the manor including the hunters. It was exciting for you since you are a baker after all, it was your speciality. You hurry up and go to the kitchen, it was quite since most of your friends are in matches already and most of the survivor can't cook so they don't bother to go to the kitchen anyway (you skip breakfast since it's your day off). Getting ready to start baking the cakes, you first prepare the ingredients:


-100g chocolate

-100g unsalted butter

-3 eggs, separated

-150g castor sugar

-50g plain flour (sifted)

Chocolate Ganache

-100ml cream

-125g chocolate, grated

After finish preparing the ingredients, you begin to bake the cakes. You preheat the oven to 160 degrees Celsius and grease the pan, next melt the chocolate and butter together. When it's cool, mixed it with flour. In a separate bowl, you whisk together egg yolks and half the sugar. You also whisk egg whites in another separate bowl. When you have reached the soft peak stage, whisk in remaining sugar.

Fold egg whites into chocolate mixture and pour into baking tray and cover the top with baking paper to prevent a skin from forming. Finally, bake in oven for 30 minutes with a water bath on the tray below to keep the cake moist. When it's done turn cake out onto a cooling rack and let cool to room temperature. To make chocolate ganache: bring cream to a simmer and pour over chocolate, mix to combine.

During the process you remember something, Valentine is when you showed your love to the one you care... Jack and Naib pops into your mind. You become all flustered when suddenly Naib showed up behind you just finished his match, "Hey, something smells so good, and I thought it must be your doing". Your body gone stiff out of panic hearing Naib voice, "H-hey Naib, oh this? I am baking cakes for everyone for tomorrow!". "Tomorrow?" he tilts his head out of confusion. You're disappointed that your closest friend doesn't know that tomorrow is valentine's day you were hoping he notice a bit, but that's Naib for you but that's a good thing because you want to surprise him. "Just wait for tomorrow, you'll know what's up" you said proudly.

"Huh, I don't like you keeping secrets from me Miss...." He takes a few chopped chocolates and put it in his mouth, "But the chocolate is delicious I can't wait to try it tomorrow, whatever day it is your cooking still the best (Y/N)" he said while licking his fingers and trying to steal another chocolate. "HEY! Don't keep taking the chocolates, I need that" you try to reach the chocolates in his hand when you suddenly fall on top of him. "Ouch, ugh I'm sorry Naib, are you okay?", you notice he catches you in his arm, so you won't feel hurt during the impact. "Gosh you are heavier than the first time I carried you" he said in a soft tone still holding me tight, you wonder why. You eventually try to stand up, but Naib just quickly hides his face using his hood, not wanting you see his red face as he tells you to be more careful and leave the kitchen quickly. You see him leave as you try to get yourself together, why did just happen with you and Naib. You slapped your self on the cheeks and try to continue baking the cakes.

Few minutes later, you finish baking 2 cakes for both Survivors and Hunters. You smile proudly as you put the cakes in the refrigerator and put a note to not touch it, it belongs to you. After cleaning up the mess, you have a strong urge to make Jack a special valentine's gift. So, you begin to make another mess in the kitchen by melting another chocolate and make a special mini heart chocolate cake with rose water. It's the same ingredients as the rest of the chocolate cake but you make a special whipped cream and added rose water in it because it reminds you of Jack a lot.

(Time skip because baking takes time)

"It's finish!! It's so cute, I hope Jack love it" you said proudly, but you make 2 heart cake in the process. You were wondering if Naib would accept this special valentine's cake too, he was the one who mentor you from the start and always protect you during all this time in the manor, so you want to thank him and give him this special cake too. You just pray that tomorrow will be a really great day!


14th February

This is it, it's finally Valentine's Day. You wake up very early in the morning as you try to sneak to the kitchen and take the 2 heart cakes from the refrigerator to your room as they are both special. You put Jack's on a special box and then wrap it with the red ribbon you brought to the manor and add a red rose on top, you keep blushing as you can't wait to see his face later. You also wrap Naib cake with a green ribbon that look like his clothes and put white rose on top, but you put it in a paper bag with a short letter on it. "Happy Valentine's Day you grumpy, I made this for you I hope you like it – (Y/N)", after preparing the cakes you went outside and knock-on Naib's door which is next to you (Chapter 1).

*Knock Knock*, you notice that he might not be awake yet as you leave the paper bag outside his door. You just hope he will love it and return to your own room and getting ready for cooking breakfast for everyone. Little that you know when you are preparing breakfast, Naib opens his door and found the gift you left for him. Naib picked it up and open it in his room, he was all red because its from you and it's a heart cake.... "So today is Valentine huh... you're too cute (Y/N) how come a person like you make my heartbeat so fast and my mind flustered" as he is smiling trying the cake that you make for him. it was the best day of his life so far in the manor.

Few hours later, you finish preparing the breakfast as all the survivors go down to the dining room. They all look pretty relax since the Host announce that everyone should enjoy the rest of the day match free because it's Valentine's Day, after we all finish our breakfast, you put the cakes on the huge table and tell everyone that you baked cakes for them special for valentine's day as they quickly take a piece and eat it happily. You notice that Naib did not take the cake from the table as you walk to his seat. "Naib, you don't want a piece?" you tilt your head, "No, I already have the special one... Thankyou (Y/N)" as he gives you a warm smile that you never seen before. Your heart feels warm as you smile back at him...... It was fun having cakes with everyone.

In the afternoon you go to the hunter side of the manor bringing the cakes that you make for them, as they all look excited especially for Robbie. Robbie looks so cute he is just a little boy as you see Luchino is sharing his cake with him because Robbie already nom his cakes so fast. You eventually tap Jack's back as he turns around and notice your cute figure, "Jack, will you follow me?" you ask him politely as he then take your hand and follow you to the garden. Both of you arrive and stand under the tree, the place you always be together as you give him the special cake. "I... I love you Jack, I hope we ... uh... thankyou for your kindness" you were blushing and can't face him, Jack picks you up bridal style as he put his forehead on yours. "My dear, you look so beautiful today... Thank you for the lovely gift" Jack whispered in your ears as you both enjoying each other company for the rest of the day.







Author, why Jack part is so short?

Don't worry I will have Jack side of the story for you guys <3

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