[ Chapter 9 ]

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(Contain Naib x Reader)

Several minutes have passed, but you are still waiting for Naib.... He has a lot of scars, so it takes a long time to bandage him. He tilts his head to you as he sees your worried face and ask Emily if she is done, luckily Emily finish treating Naib and he stood up from his chair and walk towards you. "What do you want?" Naib said with a straight face, don't want to show that he is quite happy that you waited for him. "Oh um... I want to say thankyou for rescuing me and sorry for being a burden... again? But I want to make it up to you" you said with a soft tone. "No need" as he walks past you, but you quickly grab his parka not wanting him to leave. "I insist, follow me" you drag him to the kitchen until he surrenders and follows you.

In the kitchen, you ask Naib to sit, and you take some ingredients that are available in the manor. Thinking what sweets, you should make and not taking lots of time, you just try and make pancakes since it's fast and delicious. As you cook the pancake, Naib is staring at you with a soft eyes and smile a bit but soon to realize what is he doing as he sigh and make a fist out of his hand. He lost in his own thought, what is this feeling inside him as you try to call his name.

"Naib? Are you okay?" you gently ask him from afar,

"I'm okay" he answered

You just can't believe his answer, but you just went along with it "hmm... alright I'm almost finish hope this cheer you up!" as you plate the pancakes and put butter and honey on top of it and put the plate in front of him. (I don't think there are maple syrups in the manor)

Naib loves food more than anything so his eyes shine when he sees the pancake as he quickly takes a small bite of it.

"it's... really good (Y/N), it's been a long time a haven't eaten anything this good in the manor!" he continues eating it cheerfully.

You giggle and sit next to him, "it's just pancakes, I bet you guys eat it too before I came here"

"We did! But it's not this good, you are indeed a talented cook" he speaks while chewing like a little hamster. He then offers you some of his pancakes, but you refuse seeing him enjoying your pancakes makes you happy already without even eating it. Surprisingly he did eat very fast, and he ask if he can have a second with a small blush, of course you are happy to make him another as you begin cooking again.

"WAAAAA SOMETHING SMEELS SO GOOD!!!!" Another survivor enters the kitchen, it was Mike the Acrobat. He sees Naib eating his pancake when he suddenly run to the table, "What's this? Can I have it, it looks so good and delicious!!" Mike shout as his eyes sparkle.

"No, (Y/N) makes this for me so it's mine" Naib growl

"Aww too bad" Mike responds in a sad tone

You smile and tell Mike that you will make one for him as he jumps out of joy and hugged you from behind while you are cooking the pancakes for him. On the other hand, Naib doesn't seem to be happy as he quickly eats his pancakes and offer you some help.

"...! Let me help you with it" Naib took the utensils you are holding and ask you to guide him on how to cook it. You are shocked, the Mercenary suddenly offering to help you with cooking... well he isn't practically good at it, but he is trying his best. Surprisingly it turns out okay, but you can keep hearing Mike wine because it's not you who made it, you chuckle and thinking it was fun moment. Little do they know before you clean up all the mess, you are also making tiny pancakes, brew some tea and put it in your basket that you carry to the manor. 

The clock is ticking as you notice it's almost time to meet Jack as you excuse yourself "I have to go somewhere; I'll see you guys later at dinner!". Mike with his mouth full of pancakes waves you goodbye with a smile while Naib just stare at your figure slowly fading away, what's on his mind....




(we will never know because this is Jack x Reader Fanfic, don't worry about it uwu)

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