[ Chapter 18 ]

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Time skip because,

Days have passed by, both hunters and survivors repeat the same activities... which is having matches every day, we are used to this so it's not so scary anymore. Morning came and Eli woke up early having a nightmare, "hah... hah... Is it really going to happen today?" Eli speaks to himself after waking up having sweats all over him until Broke fly to his lap and give him a concern expression. "B-broke, we need to warn her....." Eli quickly gets up from bed and prepare himself.

Loud footsteps can be heard across the hallway as Eli tried to find you, but nowhere to be found. Eli still rushing to find you but accidentally bumps into Naib, "Wow there mister, what's the rush?" Naib asks his fellow friend why he is in a rush. "Naib! A-ah no ... well I'm trying to find (Y/N), do you know where she is?" Eli asks. "Oh? She is in the hunter side of the manor now cooking breakfast since Miss Nightingale ask her, you need something?" Naib asks back notice there might be something wrong. Knowing Naib personality, Eli decided not to make him panic. "It's nothing, I just need something from her, but I can ask her later, thank you Naib for the information" Eli wave goodbye as he hurries walks back into his room. "Broke, please keep an eye on her and inform me if something might happen", Broke nod in agreement as she fly away. Seeing Eli in that state, Naib just rubbed his head and try not to overthink it. Hours have passed by, but Broke didn't find anything suspicious that happen to you but she's kept an eye on you secretly. It's noon and a match are about to start, today's hunter is Jack, and the survivor is Ganji, Helena, Tracy, and Lucky Guy.

The match has started, it's in Sacred heart hospital. Luckily Jack spawn near Helena so it's an instant knocked down when cipher is still on progress, but Ganji is nearby as he is ready to knock Helena from the balloons. Jack notice that Ganji is about to stunt him so he stay cautious, he drop of Helena when the ball hits..... but little do Ganji know, he makes a huge mistake.


A loud crack voice echoes as few pieces of Jack mask scattered to the ground, Jack growled in pain but it's not like his usual self and drops to the ground. The rest of his mask dropped to the ground as both Helena and Ganji saw a horrifying view, Jack's eyes begin to glow red as blood and he smirks......





"Ugh... J-jack why..." Lucky crawled on the ground with blood all over him, nearby there are also Helena, Ganji and Tracy who are lying on the ground scared to death as they all wounded badly but finally the match end, they all surrender. When they return, they go to the clinic and meet Emily, get treated right away as they explain what happen during the match. Emily face turn pale as what she scared of just happen, Jack losing control of him self like he used to in the past. Emily starts to call everyone available and inform not to get close to Jack at the moment until further notice, but you were not there knowing the news. You are still playing with Robbie, but you heard Michiko voice calling your name. "(Y/N)... Jack..." Michiko said in a soft worried voice, "He keep screaming in pain, but I'm not sure what's wrong with him... maybe he is hurt". You smile try to make Michiko less worried, "Don't worry miss Michiko, come on let's check him out and find out what's wrong so we can treat him" you stand up and pat Robbie's shoulder before you leave with Michiko to Jack's room.

Broke who is still nearby fly back to her owner and tell the news, "Oh no! We should go there now!" Eli said in a loud voice. "Go where?" Naib grab Eli's shoulder hard knowing that something is off since the beginning he met Eli this morning. "(Y/N)" Eli slapped Naib's hand and run towards the hunter side of the manor; Naib follows Eli behind as they both run as fast as they can.





Michiko and you arrived at Jack's room as it was quiet, you knock on the door "Jack? it's me (Y/N)". The door suddenly flew open as it was not locked to begin with as you saw Jack's figure from behind, he kneels and cover his face with his hands. "Jack? are you okay? Did you hurt somewhere?" you walk towards him when Jack suddenly screams "GET OUT!". You were in shock; he never yelled at you or ask you to leave. You decided to not move forward and turn your back away from him trying to head back to the door when you saw Naib and Eli running towards you. "Guys? What are you do---" you hear a loud slash voice as you saw Naib, Eli and Michiko expression, they are screaming but you cannot hear it. The last thing you saw was Naib's face turning pale as he trying to catch you, your eyes begin to close as you dropped into Naib's arm unconscious.





Naib holding you close, blood dripping everywhere from your back. Naib and Eli keep screaming your name and it makes Jack suddenly realise that he loses control, Jack saw your figure lying down unconscious on Naib's arm. Jack moves his claws arms closer to his face and he saw your blood on it, his eyes become normal again and tears started to come out from his eyes. "N.. no... I, what have I done... (Y/N)!" Jack tried to take your hand but Naib suddenly gets up carrying you in his arms tightly and run to the clinic not having a single care about the other. His eyes were also flooding with tears and his face shows fear, he don't want to let go of you... "(Y/N)... come on, stay with me.. hold on!". Naib soon arrives at the clinic, "EMILY!! HELP EMILY PLEASE" he screams very loud, Emily soon walks towards Naib as she is also shock on what happen towards you, she quickly prepare her tools and began to treat you. "You should go out, this will be painful to watch Naib, especially for you" Emily said. "B-but" Naib hesitates, "No buts, go" Emily's expression getting serious as Naib decided to go out and wait. His knees become weak as he falls down in front of the clinic door, still trying to stop his tears from falling down his eyes. "(Y/N).... Ah damn it" he punches the floor really hard as he cannot feel any pain regardless his heart seeing you in this situation.





Back in Jack's room, the ripper still kneeling in regrets. His chest hurt like hell, he never thought that he would injure you using his own hand. Jack doesn't have the courage to stands up as Michiko still stood there not letting Jack out of her side. "What have you done Jack, you almost killed her..." Michiko said in an angry tone

"You said you can control!" Michiko conversation got cut off by Jack, "I KNOW" Jack scream back at her

".... I know, please let me see her Michiko..." Jack said in a painful tone. Michiko sees Jack's expression; she knows he regret it so much and he is in pain, but she won't let anything happen to you for now as she blocks the way with her fan. "Not now, she needs some time alone to be treated and I will not let you see her". It is a painful day for all of us, you are suffering as you are in a coma due to heavy impact occur to your body and your eyes closed for days. Naib always stays by your side, holding your hand as you sleep tightly hoping that you would wake up soon. Jack... Jack have been in regret ever since, he was punished and was not able to see you because he just broke the rules of injuring survivor outside the game, most of all... his own lover. It was different since then; the manor isn't so lovely as it is before...

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