6: Strands Unite

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The sun was setting in the window of Barry's lab, vibrant, golden rays glinting on all of his experimental glassware. He was moving slow, pottering around at a normal pace. A cloud still followed his every step.

The slight scent of chemical lingered in the air. Liquid swooshed and swirled in beakers, casting their vibrant colours on the laminate table top. Barry used a stirring rod to mix in a clear liquid with hard crystals collected at the bottom. His mind was wandering away from him. It was on a journey to Sebastian. He wondered how the boy knew Santana. What he'd done to her. Barry supposed he ought to find it relieving that his brother was awful to everyone and not just him.

"Barry," Joe's voice carried greeting as the older man strolled into the lab. Barry didn't lift his head, instead focusing intently on the stones at the bottom of his beaker. "You actually cleaned up your lab. I'm impressed," Joe snorted.

"I'm not a slob," Barry rumbled lowly. Joe leaned his hip against Barry's desk, crossing his arms over his chest. "How can I help?" he huffed.

"I came to ask how you are," Joe responded. "You've seemed off the past few days." Barry faltered in his stirring. "Did you visit Sebastian?" there was reproach in his tone.

"I did," Barry growled lowly. "I can't believe I let you talk me into visiting that brat." Using the curved edge of the stirring rod, he crushed the crystals down. "He hasn't changed one bit."

"Barry, did you really go in there with good intention?" Joe questioned. Barry stood up straight, abandoning his work station and glaring straight into Joe's eyes.

"Of course I did," Barry snapped. "I wanted to find... something with him, but he threw it back in my face." Barry's hands clenched into fists and he took a half step towards Joe. "He wants nothing to do with me. He never did." A flame of anger was set alight in his chest. "He's arrogant and selfish. I'm better off without him."

"He is alone in the city, Bar," Joe protested, flint lingering in his tone.

"By choice," Barry argued. "I would help him if he let me."

"Maybe he just needs more persuading," Joe offered.

"You want me to visit him again, just so he can mock and berate me?" Barry's voice lifted, an outraged hand slapped against his chest. "He's a lost cause."

Joe sucked in a deep breath and weakly shook his. Barry glared down at the ground. "Save your anger for the real bad guys, Barry, not troublesome teens," the detective sighed, rising to his feet and striding out of the room.

Barry ran his hands up and down his face and let out a frustrated huff. Joe would see one day, he'd see the real ugly in Sebastian. The ugly he was pretending didn't exist.


In tedious and mysterious cases, any news was good news. If that news happened to actually be good news, then it was likely the most exhilarating thing to happen for the entire week. Thus, when Iris told him she'd finally found a connection between the recent murders and Dennit, he'd instantly called a team meeting.

Team Flash were collected in the Cortex, all of them facing Iris who had taken centre floor. "It took me a while, but I finally found something that connects Dennit to the murders," she breathed. Barry nibbled in his lip, bouncing his shoe.

"It all ties back to a court case that happened roughly six years ago," Iris began, threading her fingers together. "One that involved the son of Ruben Mort."

"Ruben Mort?" Caitlin's jaw fell open.

"The legendary geneticist that has restored seven extinct creatures from ancient, petrified samples?" Cisco leaned forwards in his seat, excitement gleamed on his features. "He brought to life a dodo," he giggled. Barry couldn't surpress the smile that sprung to his lips.

"On my earth, he is revered for his genetic splicing," Harry mumbled, stroking his face.

"He made a hybrid of an apple and a lemon tree," Barry added, a bubble of excitement rising within him. "The result was yellow, citrusy apple that had a hardened outer skin. A lappel, they called it."

"Well, as it turns out," Iris drew their attention back to her. "Dennit CEO, Diddy J, and Mort's son Jason, did their first project beyond university together." Barry bit down on nail, leaning his hip against the cortex desk. "When Diddy created Dennit and started the trials for Metriol, Jason brought him to court." Barry's brows lifted.

"Jason claimed that Metriol was actually his creation and incomplete," Iris let out a long breath. "It was messy from there, but I found out that the judge on the case was Judge Mitchells and the lead detective was Dixon." Barry's gut began sinking.

"The case drew out for years, as evidence went missing and the trail ran cold," Barry's brows pulled into a furious scowl. "The judge ruled in the favour of the defendant and three years ago, Jason was found dead in his own apartment after overdosing on Metriol."

"So... these could be revenge killings?" Barry asked and she nodded her head.

"I should mention..." her voice dropped slightly. "The lawyer representing the defendant was Lucas Smythe."

A beat of deafening silence fell over the room. Barry's eyes were still locked on her, his pulse rate rising. "Smythe..." Cisco spoke slowly. "As in... Barry's brother, Smythe?"

"The angry coffee boy?" Harry tested.

"You've all spoken to him?" Barry's brows lifted. Their eyes focused on him and he blew out a long breath. "Wonderful," he groaned.

"Smythe was well known for pulling strings behind the scenes," Joe mumbled, his brows pulling into a hard frown.

"He's currently in prison in Ohio," Iris chipped in. "You'll have to call ahead to be able to meet with him for questioning." Barry paused, his eyes flicking up to Joe. The man wore no surprise. He knew. He knew the real reason Sebastian was in central city. He was there because he had no parent telling him no.

"In the meantime, we should speak with Mort and Diddy," Joe told them.

"And Sebastian," Barry added harshly. Joe sent him a reproachful look. "He might know something."

"We will speak to Mort," Caitlin and Cisco sang in almost unison. Barry suppressed an eye roll.

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