35: Druken Lips, Secret Slips

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By the time Barry got back to S.T.A.R. Labs after processing the shuriken, the sun had sunk behind the horizon. Team Flash had congregated in the cortex. All of them, except Henry. Iris was sitting with Cece in her arms, swaying gently from side to side when Barry arrived. The little girl was fast asleep, her head resting in the crook of Iris's neck. It was a sight that had immediately lifted his mood.

"Alright people, I've done some digging and found gold," Cisco started off, a sly grin playing across his lips. His voice was lowered, as to not wake the sleeping child. "Using the files we stole from Rodney's computer, I cross referenced the serial numbers from the machines Barry found in the secret underground lab and discovered that it was one Mr Rodney Mort that authorised them."

"But he isn't a bioengineer," Caitlin's brows pulled in. "He wouldn't know how to create a chimera."

"Unless he authorised them for his father, Reuben Mort, to use," Harry theorised.

"Sebastian and Santana are supposed to be performing at the New Years event in a few days," Barry commented. "Maybe we could use that to do more digging."

"Speaking of," Harry lifted his eyes to Barry. "Did you find out anything from the shuriken?"

"It's a weapon used by a professional assassin that has been nicknames Shadow Hunter by the forces," Barry sighed.

"That, is a very expensive murderer," Joe's brows lifted in surprise. "You'd have to be a millionaire to afford her fee."

"A millionaire like Diddy?" Iris guessed.

"Would he try to kill his own brother?" Barry's brows pulled in.

"Iris and I can do some poking around," Joe hummed, crossing his arms over his chest. "I've had run ins with the Hunter before." Barry nodded.

"In the meantime, Cisco and I will work on a way to give the Chimeras back their free will," Caitlin added.

"How are they?" Barry asked, slight amusement rising within him at the memory of the drunk chimeras.

"I think Santana and Mason have been out for a while," Cisco told him.

"Healing like that takes a huge toll on them," Caitlin added.

"Your dad is with Sebastian," Joe added, and there was a pointed look in his eyes. One that told Barry he should be with them too.

"We'll meet again when we have news," Barry breathed, backing out of the cortex and slipping down the corridors.

The little chamber they'd built for the chimeras was small, but smaller spaces were easier to secure. There was a tiny living space with three break off rooms that were only large enough to squeeze in a bed and a small side table. Slipping into one, he found his father and brother. They were seated on the bed, leaning back against concrete wall. Henry's warm stare lifted to his eldest son, gifting him a small smile of greeting. Sebastian's eyes were still half lidded and bloodshot, and looked up towards his brother with a vacant expression.

"Hey," Barry greeted them quietly, slipping into the room and closing the door softly behind him.

"Good to see you, Slugger," Henry greeted him, nodding to the bed. Following his father's motion, he dropped down to sit on the opposite side of Sebastian.

"Hi Barry," Sebastian slurred, his eyes blinking shut.

"I was trying to convince him to go to bed," Henry explained. "He doesn't seem to appreciate it."

"Sleeping sucks," Sebastian grumbled. "You miss out on everything."

"Could you stick around a little longer?" Henry asked. "You were always your mother and I's trump card when it came to getting the little cub to sleep."

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