28: Coffee Shop Surprise

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Helix labs was every bit as perfectly polished as Barry expected. The moment he and Cisco had entered, he had been scanning every corner and shadow. As they sat just outside of Rodney's office, watching the foot traffic pass by, they were both stiff from the neck down. The frosted glass windows that cornered off Rodney's office were a point of fixation to Barry. Part of him wished he could see beyond. To the man that worked within. Was he the criminal mastermind. Was he a brother so torn apart by loss he'd murder to avenge his sibling.

Barry bit down on his lip. He couldn't help but wonder, what Sebastian would do if he died. Would he care? Probably not. If Sebastian died... well Barry didn't want to think about it. Just the idea made a bubble of emotion swell behind his eyes. Sure, they had a shaky relationship, but Sebastian was still a kid. A kid that had apparently worshipped Barry.

Part of Barry wondered if he would be able to face his dad after their last conversation. Barry had failed as a brother. He hadn't been able to see the truth between Sebastian and Smythe, he'd made his brother feel unloved, he'd destroyed any relationship they had and now, when Sebastian needed him most, he could do nothing.

A hard elbow to the side brought Barry back into his body. Rodney was leaning out of his office. "Mr Allen and Mr Ramone?" he asked.

"That's us," Barry plastered on a smile.

"Come this way," Rodney motioned for them to follow him into the office. Barry and Cisco did without any further invitation. Once into the spacey and bright room beyond, they were guided to a ring of angular and polished, leather sofas.

"I'm terribly sorry it took so long to set up a meeting," Rodney apologised, sitting back into his chair. "We've been inundated with work as it's reaching the end of the year."

"We've been busy too," Barry smiled, brushing away the apology with a flap of his hand.

"I must say though, I'm very much so looking forwards to your brother's second performance at New Years," Rodney chuffed. Barry paused. Sebastian was putting himself back into that crowd again. "He did so well at the Christmas in too."

"He did," Barry nodded slowly, the corners of his lips tugging upwards.

Rodney's eyes scanned Barry closely, a glaze of emotion forming over them. "It is quite an exclusive event," he mumbled, suddenly shaking away the fogginess in his stare. "If you'd like, I can procure extra tickets for you. I know how important it is to cherish events like this whilst you still can."

"That would be very kind of you," Barry smiled. Sebastian might not want Barry there for support, but he could at least keep him safe from whatever dangers were lurking in the shadows.

"Anyway," Rodney cleared his throat and crossed his legs. "I'm sure you're not here to talk about that. What can I do for you gentlemen?"

"We're here for the CCPD," Barry explained gently. "I'm sure you'll have heard about the gruesome murders on the news?" Rodney's face drained of all its colour. "We have reason to believe somebody is killing to avenge your late brother. Do you have any idea who could do this?"

Rodney blew out a long breath, running a hand back over his short and stubbly hair. "I don't think so," he murmured. "My father and I are not murderers and I doubt anybody else would care enough to exact revenge."

"Do you have any idea if somebody in Helix has the kind of tech to make Genetic Chimeras of humans and animals?" Cisco pressed.

Rodney let out a humourless chuckle, shifting in his seat. "That would be human experimentation. It's illegal, and none of our employees would be heartless enough to try it."

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