22: Truth Hurts

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Just as Sebastian had predicted, Mason was bustling around the small store with his uniform on. He was packing, loading and shifting around produce. Santana, of course, wasted no time twiddling her thumbs. She waltzed directly up to the young man and tapped on his shoulder. He whipped around, startle flashing on his features. "Mason Jinks?" she asked sharply.

"That's me," he spoke cautiously. The second his eyes landed on Sebastian, they widened to the size of grapefruits. "Barry," his voice caught in surprise. "What are you doing back?" he shifted uneasily from foot to foot, his eyes scanning for possible escapes.

"Not Barry," Sebastian raised his hands placatingly. "I'm his brother, Sebastian." He motioned to Santana. "This scary Latina is called Santana."

"Oh thank goodness," he blew out a long breath and practically deflated. "The last thing I want to see right now is the face of a cop." He faltered, his brows puckering. "Not because I've broken the law or anything. They are just intimidating, you know?"

"Okay, listen up loose lips-," she began, only to be silenced when Sebastian planted a hand on her shoulder. He sent her a stern glare. "Yeah, work your magic, parseltongue," she snorted and waved him off.

"Do you have anywhere we could talk in privacy?" Sebastian asked, arching a sharp brow.

"Of course," he nodded, beginning to retreat backwards. "Follow me," he motioned. Leading them through the store, he took them out a small back door that led into a grime covered alley. Light mists of rain sprinkled down from the grey sky, the snow a blackened mush churned into the cracked concrete. "You know, you pair look familiar," he mumbled, turning to face them.

"That would be because we performed at the Helix event you snuck into last night," Santana spoke with nip to her tone. His face paled and he pursed his lips to one side.

"Oh," he mumbled bashfully.

"Why were you there?" Sebastian asked.

Mason's eyes narrowed slightly. "Why do you want to know?" Sebastian and Santana traded a stare.

"We have had family members killed by whomever it is doing the revenge murders for Jason Mort," Sebastian sighed, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "We were just doing a little poking around of our own."

Mason chewed on his tongue, his eyes glazing in thought. A glimmer of resolution shone within his stare. "If I tell you what I know, I want to join you on your hunt," he stated firmly. Sebastian's brows shot up. Of everything he had expected, that was not it.

"You what?" Santana barked.

"I want to join you," Mason spoke with just as much steadiness. Again, Santana and Sebastian traded a long look.

"Why?" Sebastian arched a brow.

"My brother was attacked too," Mason began. "He refuses to tell me much about it." His lips pressed into a thin line. "My brother was always there for me, so I guess I just want to give back." Those words left a sour taste in Sebastian's mouth, but he fought a grimace down from his expression.

"It could be dangerous," Santana warned him.

"I'm a bioengineering student. I can be of use to you," he reasoned with them. "I've already done a lot of research into the work done at Helix."

"Is that why you were there last night?" Sebastian assumed.

"That, and my family used to be very close to the Morts," he explained. "We were all like family, until the court case."

"And what is your opinion on the verdict?" Sebastian pushed.

"My brother didn't do it," Mason stated firmly. "He wouldn't. He might not tell me everything, but I know him better than anyone else. He would never have betrayed Jason for money." Sebastian felt the corners of his lips curl upwards. The certainty in Mason's voice was refreshing.

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