20: Confront

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Sebastian was beginning to loose count of how many people had come up to him and Santana after their performance to congratulate and give them compliments. His face was aching from his fake smile and he wasn't certain how much longer he could pretend to be flattered by mediocre compliments from people who knew nothing about music. To make matters worse, he could see that Barry was keeping him within view at all times. It was as an older woman with a feathery hat was raving about his soulful piano skills, that he found his opportunity to escape.

A man in a flat cap was slipping out of the auditorium. Giving the lady a polite farewell, he began weaving through the crowds after him. He slid through the masses, eventually slipping out through the double door exit.

The corridor beyond was vast. It stretched far, one wall made completely of windows that stared out across the night skyline. Mason was nowhere in sight. Sebastian strolled down it, his brows pulling into a frown. Every step echoed.

The door behind him squeaked open. Sebastian stilled, every muscle in his body tensing. He halted in his tracks and glanced back over his shoulder. Barry stood like a guard dog at the door, his eyes fixing a hard look on his brother. "We need to talk," he spoke sternly.

"I don't think we do," Sebastian answered with just as much ice.

"Come here," Barry nodded to a set of glass doors, walking over and holding one open. Sebastian cast one last glance back over his shoulder at the empty corridor, before blowing out a long breath and trudging through the door to an open balcony beyond.

The city lights twinkled and shone like gems trapped in dark waters. The moon gleamed in the sky, full and whole. A cooling breeze carried the salty scent of sea. The balcony itself was small, with just a single bench positioned at the centre and not much more room to move around it.

Sitting down onto the back of the bench, Sebastian crossed his arms tight. Barry closed the balcony door behind himself, taking a few steps towards his brother. His expression was stony.

"If you're about to yell at me for something, hurry up," Sebastian snarked. "I'm on the clock."

Barry blew out an exasperated. "Sebastian," there was sharp reprimand in his tone. One that made the boy bite his tongue. "Whomever it is that is murdering the defending team of the Jason Mort case, is dangerous."

"Well obviously," Sebastian retorted. "If he wasn't dangerous then there would be fifteen more people kicking around the planet."

"Seventeen, actually," Barry told him pointedly. "Look, you should know that poking your head around places it doesn't belong will get you killed." Sebastian straighten up, his brows tugging down into a fearsome scowl. "What's worse is that you've dragged Santana in on it too. Your risking her life as well as your own. It's irresponsible."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Sebastian shrugged, ignoring the tightly wound ball of anger that rolled around in his chest.

"Don't play dumb. It is not a coincidence that you just so happen to be employed by the same men that have the biggest motive for murdering Smythe," Barry snapped, taking a half step forwards. "I know what you are up to and I know you're going to get someone hurt."

"Oh, I forgot, that's right," Sebastian got to his feet and wore a paper thin smile. "You've decided I'm a danger to society, just like my dad." Barry's eyes widened a fraction. "If you're going to air out all my dirty laundry to your little science freak friends, at least do it when I'm not in the room."

Barry jutted his jaw to one side and shook his head. "What you did hurt people," he spelled out every syllable. "You nearly blinded someone!" he threw his hands out in exasperation. "Can you really say that's something your father wouldn't do?"

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