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The medbay was silent, aside from the wet squelch of Henry rolling plaster cast around Sebastian's arm. A fan was blowing in the background, repeatedly letting out low and rhythmic groans. The rooms around them were deserted. All the other members of team Flash were still down in the labs underbelly with the troublesome chimeras.

Sebastian could feel the coolness of the cast tightening around his arm. The cooling air brushed over his bare chest, most of which was wrapped in bandage. He was mesmerised, watching the methodical looping Henry was performing. "The worst of your injury is healed, but it could take another day or two for that arm to fix itself," the doctor motioned to the cast. "This will hold it in place for now."

"Thank you," Sebastian murmured softly.

"You have quite the knack for getting yourself in trouble," Henry's lips curled up into a smile as he smoothed down a bandaged edge.

"You have no idea," Sebastian answered quietly. "I broke my arm three times when I was ten."

That pulled a laugh from Henry. "You remind me of your mother," he paused for a moment. "Of Nora," he corrected himself. Sebastian didn't mind the mishap, but he was grateful Henry was thinking of him like that. "She was always bumping into things and falling over. I had to carry a first aid kit wherever we went." Sebastian let out a chuckle, smiling down at his legs. He supposed it was nice to hear he'd inherited little quirks from his biological parents.

There was a rush of air as Barry flashed into the room. Papers were sent flying and Barry broke out of his zoom into a gentle stroll. "Hey, Slugger," Henry greeted his eldest warmly.

"How's the patient?" Barry teased them with a cheeky smile.

"He'll be fine," Henry told him, carefully resuming his work. "How are the chimeras?"

"They are doing everything we tell them," Barry chuffed in disbelief. "Cisco and Caitlin had them turn back. They're running some more tests as we speak." His eyes landed on his brothers, scanning him as if he were missing a piece. "I still don't understand how you controlled them like that."

"Neither do I," Sebastian laughed, shifting uncomfortably in his seat, but holding the arm Henry worked on perfectly still.

"Cece seemed to believe it was because you were the big bosses little boss," Barry stroked his chin. "I'm assuming that means your chimera is some kind of second in command." Sebastian nodded slowly. He supposed that was one thing he could add to his resume.

"It makes sense, considering he has been around the longest," Henry nodded. Sebastian's memory was tugged back the way. To the underground lab. His brows tugged in. Sebastian still had to tell them the truth. He still had to prove his father's innocence before any other chimera had the chance to kill him.

Sebastian drew in a deep breath, rolling his shoulders. "Barry," he breathed, and his heart started to pound against the inside of his rib cage. "I've been thinking about our conversation this morning." His brothers face lit with interest. "You... caught me off guard but... you're right." Barry and Henry traded a quick glance. "I can't let you walk around thinking my father is something he isn't."

"So you'll tell us what happened?" Barry took a few steps towards him.

"I'll tell you why he turned me into a chimera," Sebastian nodded. Henry gave out a low hum, manoeuvring his son's arm to better complete the cast. Barry leaned back against the wall, giving his brother that look. That look of total focus. Sebastian paused, his mind twisting itself in knots as he pondered the best way to say it. Any words on his tongue were immediately lost. Barry and Henry didn't rush him or lose interest. They waited. "Have you heard of vasculitis?" Sebastian asked.

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