19: Performance

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Sebastian didn't get pre-show anxiety, so he knew that was not the reason for his thundering pulse. The grand hall around him was bustling with suits and silky dresses. A gargantuan glass chandelier hung above their heads, speckling the entire floor with shimmer and shine. A huge, circular stage was raised at the centre of the room. Atop it, was one of the grandest piano's Sebastian had ever seen. Every inch of the black polish gleamed as though it were fresh off production.

As he stared at it from afar, a single man was playing and his voice carried out across the whole room. It was soft and melodic. Some were watching, some half engaging in conversation as they sipped from tall glasses of fizzing champagne. The scent of rich perfume was thick in the air, forcing him to fight down a sneeze.

Wearing a suit felt like a second skin to him, after his years at Dalton, but he'd never felt so out of place. All around him were people with degrees, jobs in science and mind's of geniuses, and Sebastian... well he was a theatre rat who'd weaselled his way into the wrong crowd. The moment he thought of all the combined knowledge in the room, his heart rate spiked. That, was what was scaring him. He was the one dull knife left in a rack of freshly sharpened blades. He didn't belong.

"Hey," Santana appeared before him, making him crane his head down to see her. She was in a sleek dress, her hair intricately braided and her makeup fully done. "Have you found anything yet?" she asked, arching a brow.

"Other than questionable wax moustaches and thousands of dollars worth of plastic surgery, nothing is sticking out to me," he sighed, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"It's a good thing I'm around then," a teasing smile curled her lips and his brows lifted. "You'll never guess who I spotted slinking around the corridors."

"Who?" he asked gruffly.

"Mason Jink," she told him, her voice lifting with glee. He shot her a quizzical look and she rolled her eyes. "I really have to carry this whole investigation, don't I?" she grumbled. "It's Diddy's brother."

Sebastian's jaw slackened and he lifted his head to stare around. "Where?" he blurted.

"He's sneaking around with a flat cap on," Santana informed him. "He's obviously misplaced."

"I'll keep an eye out for him then," Sebastian told her.

"We're due on in five," she told him firmly. "I say we continue our search after we perform."

"Let's show them what we've got, then," he grinned slyly and allowed her to lead them through the mass of overdressed bodies.

They were drawing closer and closer to the central stage, and he couldn't help but rear up. A thrilling buzz breathed life into his veins. Tingles raced down his spine and his heart started skipping.

Something in the corner of his vision made him halt in his tracks. Santana faltered too, staring back in confusion. "What is it, meerkat?" she asked, but his attention was fixed elsewhere. It was focused on face that was practically identical to his own. Barry's eyes were locked with Sebastian's. The people he was with, Caitlin and Cisco, both seemed to be vying for his attention too. Their stares hardened in unison. "That's your brother," Santana gasped.

Barry immediately began making his way towards them. Him and his posse were dressed far more formally than Sebastian had ever seen. The nerd was even wearing a bow tie. It almost felt wrong. "Thanks for stating the obvious," Sebastian grumbled, earning him a sharp glare.

Barry's friends followed behind him, only stopping when he was face to face with his brother. "What are you doing here?" Barry asked with a sharp edge to his tone. There was a slight crackle of static, as though Barry were wearing a hearing aid within an ear.

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