8: Implementing Protection

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Diddy's office was every bit as overly perfect as Iris had expected. Those that had something to hide always tried to keep their surroundings clean to blend in, but it only made them stand out. Both her and Harry were seated opposite Diddy, whom had taken up position in his gargantuan office chair.

"I was not expecting a press visit," Diddy remarked, stroking a little, tufty beard.

"I'm not here on press business," Iris answered calmly, crossing her legs over.

"S.T.A.R. Labs is aiding a police investigation," Harry began. "We're here to collect information and pass on a warning." Diddy's brows crept up, his lips pressing into a thin line.

"The attacks on your warehouse and the murders around town are all connected by the legal battle that occurred between you and Jason Mort," Iris spoke calmly and clearly. "We think you could be targeted too."

"Jason Mort is dead," Diddy leaned forwards in his seat, his eyes narrowing to slits.

"And is there anyone who might bear a grudge about that still?" Iris asked, arching her dark brow.

"Jason's father or brother, perhaps," Diddy waved them off. "That family is far too soft for murder." His eyes glazed and he picked at the leather trim of his chair. "There is nobody else who would care about that case."

"Because nobody else knows the truth?" Harry's voice adopted edge his jaws gritting against one another. "No one else knows that Metriol was Jason's incomplete drug?"

Diddy eyed them carefully, his expression blank and dark. He blew out a long breath. "I don't know what you mean," he grumbled. "Although I think it's time for you to leave." He rose to his feet and motioned to the door.

"Wait," Iris stood slowly, putting her hands out placatingly. "Your life is at risk. We can protect you."

"Protect me?" Diddy's voice rose incredulously. "I am more than capable of protecting myself."

"These are dangerous meta humans. We've never seen anything like it," Harry stood, agitation flickering in his voice. "You'd be wise to take all the help you can get."

"I don't need your help," Diddy spelled it out syllable by syllable. "Now leave my office before I call security," he growled. Blowing out a long breath, Iris nodded and grabbed Harry to drag him out too.


Barry revelled in the feeling of lightening crackling behind him. His feet dug into the hard ground, his heart racing furiously.

When he came to a halt, he was in a cold room. Laminate floors were speckled with blood. Large, metallic tables had empty bodies lain atop them. The morgue was devoid of life and death. It was unnaturally empty. Barry cast his eyes around, a door at the back of the room leading out into darkness beyond. Loud bangs came from within.

"Something happened in here," Barry pressed his earpiece, creeping towards the door. "How long has the silent alarm been ringing?"

"Just a few minutes," Caitlin told him. "Heat signatures in the area suggest the criminal may still be there."

Sucking in a steadying breath, Barry crept into the dark room and flicked on the light switch. His breath caught in his chest. At the centre of the room, a mortician lay diced to pieces and sprayed across the white, tile floor. Dead bodies littered the floor like garbage from a knocked over bin. The numerous storage holes they had been dragged from were carelessly yanked open and in some cases hung open on the hinges.

Barry's jaw fell open. The culprits of such a horrific crime were still tearing open the holes, pulling out bodies and flinging them over their shoulders, but that was not what horrified him the most. In the blinding light, he finally saw a chimera for the first time. There were two. One was covered in scales. A haunched over beast with strings of clear drool dangling from its elongated jaws. Although it's form looked somewhat human, a long tail dragged behind it and talons tipped its fingers. This beast, at least, was half the size of Barry. The other one however, was not.

The tiger chimera was twice the size of Barry with huge fangs and golden eyes that gleamed in the light. Orange and black fur followed the tight curve of the beast's huge muscles. Tucked beneath one arm was a dangling and limp body. One Barry instantly recognised as Judge Mitchell. It's long tail swished at its heels. "It's the tiger and Komodo Dragon chimera!" Barry blurted into his comm. The Tiger's ears swivelled towards him, and it let out a low chuff. The dragon leapt for Barry.

"Stripes and Scales?" Cisco grumbled. "What are they doing in a morgue?" Jumping into Flash time, Barry dodged the hard swipe of the Dragon's talons, skidding to a halt at the opposite side of the room.

"They have Maxwell's body," Barry grunted as he ducked out if the way of another swipe from Dragon. "Why are you doing this?" Barry cried at the beast. It's eyes could only peer at him blankly, as if he were inanimate.

Gritting his teeth, he landed a hard punch on the dragon's Jaw and it crunched, knocking the creature back a few steps. It grunted and turned to face him. There was a deafening crack, the visibly displaced jaw slotting back into place. In his moment of surprise, the beast drove a fist into his gut and sent him flying back into the hard wall. His head smacked against it, his vision swimming. Barry dropped to the ground with a thunk. Komodo pounced again, and he had barely any time to scamper out of its way. It collided so hard with the wall, it had crumpled inwards.

"They heal really quickly," Barry blurted to his team.

"I suppose that's to be expected, given they can completely rearrange their bodies in seconds," Caitlin commented.

Tiger let out a growl, and Komodo froze in its tracks. He had another body under his arm. Dixon. Together, they burst past Barry and out into the streets beyond.

Staggering to his feet, Barry raced out after them. All that lay beyond was a perfectly quiet city street. "Where did they go?" his voice hitched.

"We lost track of them," Harry told him. "They blended with the other heat signature in the city." Groaning, Barry clasped his hands behind his head. Yet another crime caused by these beasts. They had to be caught and they had to be caught soon.


Barry cast his eyes around his friends. They were all spread out across the cortex. They shared all they had learned from their different interviews. Information was flowing into Barry's mind, weaving the first few threads of an image. It was still half formed and more of a skeleton. The image wasn't in detail, but the main blocks of colour were in place. Diddy had wronged Jason Mort, leading to his death, and now somebody wanted revenge. Their enemies were genetic chimeras, and Jason's father was the leading scientist in that field. Yet, Barry knew better than to make assumptions. Proof first.

"So we learned nothing that will lead us to the killer," Joe grumbled, crossing his arms and leaning back against the cortex desk.

"There may be more answers in Ohio," Barry stuffed his hands into his pockets. "We can search Smythe's archives and visit him in prison."

"I'll come with you," Joe told him.

"You don't need to," Barry shook his head.

"I know Smythe the best," Joe's voice hardened, his brows pulling in. "If anyone could make him talk, it's me." Barry pressed his lips into a thin line. His mind drifted backwards, to the way Sebastian had crumbled at the sight of Joe. It was certainly a compelling argument. Blowing out a long breath through his nose, he nodded in agreement.

"We should consider watching Diddy," Iris spoke gently, her eyes flicking between them. "If this does link to him, then he could be attacked next."

"I'll make a rota," Caitlin offered.

"We should also try to figure out where the dead bodies have been taken," Harry grumbled. " I've already started searching the city for places it could have been stored, but it could really be anywhere."

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