24: Speak To Me

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Sebastian was bouncing on his feet and checking the clock every half an hour, only to find the numbers hadn't shifted in the slightest. He whizzed around Jitterz, a cloth threaded through his apron and a slight scurry to his step. His head was fizzing with anticipation. The moment he was done with this lousy job, he would be scampering off to have the first official meet with Mason and Santana. It was no Warbler conference, but he had a feeling they were going to make progress. They were going to do something.

With the hustle and bustle of the busy shop dying down, he could feel the weariness creeping in. It wouldn't be long until his shift ended. Rain splattered against the glass panes, making the outside world seem like nothing more than a watery haze. Warm chatter filtered through the cafe, steaming mugs of coffee dotted around the place.

Crouching down behind the till, Sebastian unloaded an armful of hot mugs onto the already packed shelves.

"Sebastian?" Barry's voice made him jolt, the mugs clinking in his arms. Shaking off his startle, he stared up at his brother. The instant their eyes locked, Sebastian's expression crumpled like he'd tasted sour milk.

"If you're head to lecture me again, save it for someone who may actually care," Sebastian kept his voice low with warning, placing the last of his cups on the shelf and rising to stand in front of his brother.

"No, I just wanted to talk," Barry responded in a tone that was far more passive than Sebastian had ever heard him use. A red alert screamed in his mind. "Do you have time?"

Sebastian scanned his brother up and down, flexing his fingers. "My shift ends in five minutes, but I've got somewhere to be," Sebastian shook his head.

"Are you walking?" Barry asked, and Sebastian nodded stiffly. "Then let me walk with you," he suggested with a passive shrug.

"I'm not a twelve year old girl," Sebastian scowled.

"It's multitasking," Barry offered.

"If it gets you out of my hair," Sebastian lifted his hands in mock surrender. Barry shot him a thin smile of gratitude. Checking his watch, Sebastian blew out a long breath. "Let me just get my stuff," he sighed.

Backing away from the desk and slinking into the staff room, Sebastian dumped his apron and tugged on his jacket and scarf. Part of him wondered if it was worth escaping out the back and leaving Barry waiting. Then again, he'd never get to see his brother's face of irritation. It would be a pointless exercise.

It almost pained him, to see Barry patiently waiting when he emerged from the staff room. Sucking in a deep breath, he squared off his shoulders. "Let's get this over with," he brushed past his brother and strolled out onto the streets beyond. The rain was pouring down, drenching him in an instant.

Barry was quick to follow him out, matching his long and agitated strides. "Where are you going?" he shouted over the relentless weather, craning his head around to look at the streets.

"Central Greens," Sebastian answered snappily. A car rolled past and kicked up a large plume of mucky water.

"Come this way then," Barry ducked into a dark side alley. "Trust me, it's a short cut." Rolling his eyes, Sebastian followed him in. They were instantly shielded from the downpour, only a few drops slipping in through the sliver of sky above. Their footsteps splashed against the puddled ground. Even the noise was less intense.

"Alright, what is it?" Sebastian demanded, combing wet locks of hair back from his eyes.

Barry opened his mouth, and indecision fogged his eyes. Sebastian shook his head, training his sights on the alleyway before them. Barry led them around a sharp corner. "I don't want to argue with you anymore," Barry began.

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