39: Tiger

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Sebastian had never known such whole hearted pain. There was a haze over his mind left in the wake of it shattering. He couldn't think. He couldn't plan. He couldn't ease the unrelenting agony in his chest. All of the things he usually did had been rendered useless. Singing, dancing, watching musicals, it had no effect. It was like throwing a pebble at a mountain and expecting it to crumble.

Throughout the whole day, he'd almost exclusively remained in the little room team Flash had provided, listening to Santana and Mason's distant voices as they chattered away happily. He didn't understand, he couldn't comprehend, how they were doing that. How were they living when they knew they were monsters? How could Santana smile whilst she knew she'd killed her grandfather? It didn't make sense, and his aching mind couldn't make head nor tails of it. What he wanted, was answers. If they lured out Sebastian's chimera self, maybe he'd finally know what happened on the night his dad had sent him to the ER.

Just as they had the evening prior, team Flash was collected in the lab's huge underground belly. This time, it was Sebastian surrounded by Cisco, Frost and his brother. The boy was standing with his shoulders slumped and his eyes half shut. "So if anything goes wrong, we'll create a huge meta dampening field that will let us bring you back under control," Barry finished an explanation that Sebastian had only half listened to. "You got it?" he asked. Sebastian gave a sullen nod.

"Hey," Barry called for his attention. And Sebastian reluctantly lifted his eyes. "I know this isn't easy, believe me I know," he gently took hold of his younger brothers shoulders. "If you need me, I'm here for you."

"I know," Sebastian murmured slowly. Barry pressed his lips into a thin line, running his hand over the smoother curve of his cowl. "Any idea how I'm supposed to summon bitter rage from the depths of my soul?" Sebastian snorted.

"Yes, actually," Barry gave a hesitant nod. Sebastian cocked a brow. "I didn't think it was appropriate to mention at the time, but when you were defending your dad last night, your eyes were glowing." Sebastian's eyes widened a fraction. "If you can tap into the emotion, I think you can bring the chimera forwards."

"One mental breakdown coming right up," Sebastian drawled. Barry's mouth opened like he wanted to say something, but he thought better of it.

"Good luck," Barry gave his shoulder an affection slap and backed off a few steps. Rolling his shoulders, Sebastian closed his eyes and delved into the worst of his past.

Barry watched Sebastian from the safe distance of a few meters away. Silence hung like a dark cloud above them. His brother had been silent for a while, his eyes closed over to summon the anger within him. As he stared at the eerie stillness of his brothers form, Barry felt a knot of unease tying itself in his stomach. The thought of his brother dead made his blood run cold. He'd yet to find the courage to ask why Sebastian had never told him he was dying. Although Barry knew it was selfish, it left a stinging nip in place of his heart. If Sebastian had stayed brain dead , Barry would never have had the chance to say goodbye.

When the corner of Sebastian's lips quirked upwards, it caught Barry's attention. At first, Barry thought his brother had recalled a fond memory, but he hadn't seen his brother smile once since the day prior. There was something eerie about the little smirk. It was one that spoke of genuine amusement. Like a predator watching it's prey flail desperately in a trap. It was a smirk of success.

"Sebastian?" Barry asked, shifting from foot to foot.

"Not quite," Sebastian's voice was slightly warped with a growl and far lower than Barry had heard it before. His eyes blinked open to show golden, glowing irises.

"Tiger," Barry breathed, shifting from foot to foot and casting quick looks at Cisco and Caitlin. Tigers posture loosened off and although a dark cloud was dispelled from around Sebastian, it was replaced with an infectious weariness. He deflated like the life had been sucked from his body, his eyes remaining half shut.

"Barry Allen," Tiger greeted, his eyes scanning their surroundings. There was something in his stare, something that told of uncertainty and insecurity. He was a child riding his bike without stabilisers for the first time. He was on edge. Uncertain. A static buzz of nerves crackled around him, but couldn't displace the heavy weariness. "How did you force me to surface?" his brows tugged in together.

"Sebastian did," Barry answered calmly. Tiger's expression shifted as if he'd been speaking a different language. He took half a step back, his head snapping around towards Cisco and Frost, eyeing the man closely. "Who created you?" Barry asked firmly.

Tiger turned his back to Barry, staring around himself. "Hey kitty cat, it's rude to ignore somebody when they ask you a question," Cisco snapped.

Tiger's head lolled back, his eyes rolling to focus on him. "Not when it's a stupid question," he replied sharply. The three heroes traded sidelong looks of distain.

"Listen kitty," Frost took a menacing step towards him. "We've got questions and you've got answers, do talk before I think of making you into a fur coat."

A long hiss of air escaped between Tiger's teeth. "What are you going to do?" he retorted. "You hurt me, and you're hurting Sebastian. Lock me up, and you're locking up Sebastian. Freeze me solid, and you are freezing Sebastian. Why would I even bat an eye lid at an empty threat from a mediocre hero."

"We do have a way to get rid of you for good," Barry told him firmly. Tiger turned to face him slowly. "We can completely shut down the meta genes within Sebastian. Where would that leave you?"

"You could do that," Tiger nodded slowly. "But then Sebastian will die within a few years." Barry's eyes flicked up and down the Tiger. There was no hint of a lie. His nerves seemed to have settled, leaving him with only exasperation.

"What do you mean," Barry shifted from foot to foot.

"That nasty brain disease of his... it's still there," Tiger replied as though the very act of breathing was a bother.

"What's he talking about?" Cisco hissed.

"Sebastian had vasculitis in his CNS," Barry told them, muscles in his shoulders tightening. "It left him brain dead, until he turned into a chimera."

Something clicked behind Frost's eyes. "Is that why you heal slower," she guessed. "Because-,"

"Because I'm always fixing something else," Tiger snapped, irritation glinting dangerously in his eyes. The three heroes traded side long stares. He drew in a deep breath through his nose. "In conclusion to this unproductive chat, there is nothing you can do to me and I have no intention of talking." He rolled his shoulders. "This is pointless."

Barry's eyes dropped to the floor. Deathly silence rang over them. "Barry, I don't think this is working," Sebastian's voice made his brother's head snap up. His eyes had returned to their normal pale colour. "I don't feel anything."

"Dude," Cisco wheezed. Sebastian cast him a look of confusion, the sullen cloud reappearing over his head. "We just had an entire conversation with a tired tiger." Sebastian's brows crept up.

"It worked," Barry let out a long breath. "But now we have much more to think about."


Joe felt a quiver of uncertainty when he saw Diddy J's name appearing on his phone screen. After a split second of hesitation, he took himself to a quiet room within the precinct and answered the call. "Detective Joe West," he introduced himself, leaning back down on the interrogation table. "How can I help?"

"Detective," Diddy greeted him. "I have some information for you." Joe gave out a long and low hum of interest. Although Diddy was not the most reliable person in the world, free information was free information. "I've used a few of my... more obscure contacts to set up a meet with the Shadow Hunter." Joe sat up straight. "I thought you could use that opportunity with your own discretion."

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