23: Applications

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The secluded little grove in Central Greens was a marvel of a place. It was covered in a dusting of snow, and a small stream tinkled as it trickled by. The large trees gave it the illusion of isolation, blocking it from all view of the surrounding city. This, made it the perfect spot for secret conversations. Santana and Sebastian were not afraid to make full use of the space.

They were sitting with layers of warm clothing on the frosted bench. For hours they had been carrying out tests. Burns, cuts and shocks, Santana could heal from them all. At first, Sebastian could see she had been reluctant, and really, who wouldn't be when staring down a lit match, but after every wound sealed and every burn glazed over with new skin, her interest grew. Soon, she was doing more damage and watching with an open mouth as it vanished within seconds.

"Sebastian, this is insane," she blurted, watching the centre of her palm knit itself back together.

"Welcome to Central City, I guess," he snorted, rolling his shoulders. She lifted the knife to poke at her hand, but he was quick to confiscate it from her hands. "We've pretty firmly concluded you'll heal from almost anything. There's no need to keep going," he scolded her lightly, wiping off the blade in the grass and slotting it into the back of his belt, beneath thick flaps of jacket.

"You still haven't told me why you let little, loose lips McGee into our little investigation," Santana grumbled, angling herself to face him and firmly crossing her arms over her chest.

"I thought he would be of use to us," Sebastian shrugged. She arched a single brow that demanded further explanation. He let out a long sigh. "Mason knows this city a lot better than we do, and he can explain the sciency garbage we don't understand."

"But how can we trust him?" she spoke lowly. "We don't know if he has an ulterior motive."

"Big word," Sebastian praised her with a chime of mocking. She swatted him with the back of her hand, prompting an amused chuckle from his lips. "Mason is in the exact same situation as us," Sebastian spoke calmly and steadily, his eyes flicking up to the sky. "He has a close relative who's head is on the chopping block. He wants to know the truth just as much as we do." Santana wrapped her arms around herself, biting down on her lip. "And, it's not too late for us to help him." Emotion glinted in her eyes.

"All right," she sniffled, turning away from Sebastian. "But don't expect me to be friendly."

"With you?" Sebastian scoffed. "Never."


Perhaps the best thing about working with his best friends, was always knowing where to find them. Barry though it reassuring to know, that whenever he needed them he could just stroll into S.T.A.R. Labs and find them at work, and right now, he needed them.

Just as he'd expected, they were pottering away at the cortex's entrance desk and bickering about who knows what. The moment he saw them, the rumble of fury that boiled in his stomach eased. Their faithful eyes flicked up towards him. "Barry," Caitlin grinned. The delight on her expression faltered as she took him in.

"Oh, what's up sad Flash?" Cisco question, sitting back into his desk chair. Barry paused. How could they tell? Was he really so obvious? Or maybe, they just knew him too well.

"I need advice, guys," he mumbled. Caitlin spun around a spare desk chair, patting on the spongy cushion. He dropped down into it and ran a hand back through his hair. He paused, his mind mulling how much he should speak and how much should remain within the family. Their faithful eyes watched him patiently. No, they were family. "It turns out Sebastian's Dad tried to kill him, which is why he ended up in prison," he hummed.

Cisco and Caitlin traded an alarmed look. "Sebastian is adamant his father isn't guilty, but his medical records were erased a few years back and we have no idea if that kind of thing had been going on for years or not." Barry's expression crumpled with pain. "I know I have to say something, but I don't know what."

"Dude," Cisco scratched at the back of his head. "If you talk to him about that, you're gonna have to be prepared for an argument."

"But don't fight back," Caitlin interjected. Barry's eyes flicked to her dark ones. Of all the people he knew, she had the best bedside manner. Caitlin could handle tough conversations like an afternoon stroll in the park and everybody came out feeling refreshed. It was a unique talent of hers. If anyone could help him connect with his brother, it was her.

"What should I do," Barry asked softy, his voice cracking.

"When it comes to people who've lived through domestic abuse, you have got to be respectful when approaching the topic," she breathed, her eyes glazing in thought. "I read an article about it after we saved Lisa Snart from her father." Barry grimaced at the memory. "The general gist, was to stay calm no matter what happens. Don't get angry if they lash out and don't retaliate." She pursed her lips to one side. "Don't pressure him either. Let him tell you what he wants to and when he is ready the rest will follow." She shrugged her shoulders. "I guess it's similar to any other survivor of major trauma."

Barry jutted his jaw to one side. "So I need to keep my cool and be respectful," he nodded. "I can do that."

"Is it even a topic you should bring up so soon?" Cisco scrunched his features. "You're already on thin ice with him." Barry bit down on his bottom lip, upset stirring within him. "Maybe you should at least find a way to settle the tension first."

"I suppose that is a good point," Caitlin agreed. "That kind of conversation would be easier to have if he wasn't already annoyed by your presence."

Leaning forwards, he let out a long breath groan. "I don't know what to do."

"Barry, you are the sweetest guy I know," Caitlin reassured him with a small smile, placing a gangle hand on his back. "Trust your gut."

Barry sent her a wide smile. "Thank you, Caitlin," he murmured, and she simply patted his shoulder in response.

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